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There's a girl I really like. And I want to tell her and ask her out. But I don't know how. And I haven't known her long. I've never even been on a date. I'm scared and I don't kn... View More
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Demonic H HoovesDH
Demonic H Hooves
"a hero shall die one death of glory but a cowered will die every day in his head"
Though, real talk for a moment. . . just ask her on like a real date! for, most people can kinda pick up on when some one likes them. so chances are she knows.
and if you're friends, and she knows. . . then she's no... View More
February 12, 2019

Bubble Berry
... I guess. But my dad's not... well... like me. You know, weird and silly and... not attractive in any way.
February 12, 2019

Bubble Berry
Sorry. I'm being too worry-ey today. Ech. Worry-ey. That's a terrible word. I can't even come up with funny words right now.
February 12, 2019
Demonic H HoovesDH
Demonic H Hooves
there is one more old saying that kinda fits
"the fool went to the moon for he didn't believe it was impossible"
so like. . . just stop overthinking and it just do it
... View More
February 12, 2019
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