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//Hello, everybody! I'm Aki's admin. I'm SUPER nice, so don't be hesitant to talk to me, hit me up for RPs or anything! I don't bite too hard! :P I'm a little weird, but don't let that scare ya off! I'm REALLY nice, love to talk to people, and make new friends! Anyway, that's all for now! Peace!
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Narrative Multi-Paragraph
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would crash land from the sky in front of the kitsune. He would nervously smile, as he stood up. He then passed a large gift over them, before falling over.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus rode on a magical carpet and flew to them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus rode on a magical carpet and flew to them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
Aki is now lying on her back in your yard, being about the size of a normal fox...Eating pocky. Aki likes pocky.
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"Huh, You mind if I have one ?" He'd say not really caring about them being a normal foxxo size now since they still Aki UwU
Like July 14, 2022
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"... Vaaaaaaaaanilla ?, Since Wabbit's can't really eat Chocolate" He explained before Giving their snout a boop
Like July 14, 2022
Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
She blushed and handed him a whole box of vanilla pocky. "There ya go, bun. Hehe-" She then pats his head with a paw.
Like July 14, 2022
Ghost's face would've turned a bright cyan color before starting to nibble on some Pockies
Like July 14, 2022
Stardusk Strider
Stardusk would try to snatch the Pocky out of her possession!
Like July 14, 2022
Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
Like July 14, 2022
Stardusk Strider
"well, maybe i want to bully because there is very little opportunity to bully you at this size!"
Like July 14, 2022
Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
"...Um....What are you talking about?" She tilts her head, very confused, but offers him some pocky, "...Pocky?" :3
Like July 14, 2022
Amity Guard
Amity gives the kitsune gentle head rubs.
Like July 14, 2022
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Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
She smiles and lays back down, nibbling more on her biscuit stick. "We've met before, right? I forget..."
Like July 14, 2022
Amity Guard
Amity nodded and laid back with her, watching the clouds. "Mhmm, but that was a long while ago."
Like July 14, 2022
Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
"H-Heh...S-Sorry about that...But, at least, uh...We can share pocky together?"She asked, blepping over at Amity.
Like July 14, 2022
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would roll on the ground like a ball toward the kitsune. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
*Aki nuzzles the (comparatively) smol pon and giggles* Well, thank you! I'm SO sorry I got back to you so late....You have no IDEA how busy I've been....Still! Thank you so much, for the gift, dearie-
Like March 3, 2022
Nitroxus Soulspins
Welcome to help. I'm just glad that you noticed little ol'me. Now, go ahead and open the gift. Glad to have you back.
Like March 4, 2022
Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
Aki is currently lying on her stomach, eating a peach...She was bored, but...This was kinda nice. Peaches were OK....
The day would start out as normal, Mountain goat's baa-ing at eachother, Bird's chirping around... And a Ghostling wearing a dragon outfit standing next to Aki now as a Giant. #rp
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Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
If Aki were a season....What do you think she'd be? ...I think she'd be Autumn, personally.
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A Floof and adorable Season, Possibly in a gam- I mean Winter since they kitsune ? :3
Like August 20, 2021
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Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
But u also said winter, too! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-
Like August 20, 2021
Like August 20, 2021
Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
....Because I vaguely resemble a ninetails? Which is a Pokemon based off of the kitsune-
Like August 21, 2021
Ice Wisp
McRib Season
Like August 20, 2021
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Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
....Is it good?
Like August 20, 2021
Ice Wisp
It's not that great tbh
Like August 20, 2021
Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
Oh................Oh, gee....Wow....
Like August 20, 2021
Vy Thresh
I would agree with Autumn for Aki
Like August 20, 2021
Bright Brave
Like August 21, 2021
Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
Aki poked her head up from the aether, yawning and stretching, "Geez....Guess I must've conked out harder than I expected...Uh...What'd I miss?" She glanced around, twitching her big ears.
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Marcus Amai
"Dear Lord it's monstrous, I'm just-, going to slowly back away."
Like June 17, 2021
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Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
She pouts and teleports him back down to the plpanet, huffing, "I am not a child..."
Like June 17, 2021
Marcus Amai
"Sounds like something a child would say." He scoffs, stamping away from the enourmous being frustrated.
Like June 17, 2021
Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
She lays down and pouts, forming a ball and starting to bat it between her beeg pawbs.
Like June 17, 2021
"Unfortunately, you missed the death of need a permit now to experience it or even perform it. If you are found in violation of these rules....i guess its punishable by death or something.." She thinks seriously for a moment "So do you wanna go listen to some jazz?"
Like June 17, 2021
Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
"Um...Well, I'm immortal, but...I'm not very interested in jazz, I fear...I prefer koto music-"
Like June 17, 2021
"Ah well that's a shame. Being the only living thing alive capable of playing jazz....and you dont like jazz. Its such a cruel world. Though kotos are nice! Lets hope they remain unbanned for the foseeable future"
Like June 17, 2021
Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
She smiles, "If they ever DO get banned, I'll have to unleash my secret laser plan...And nobody wants that to happen!" She smiles even wider, "...NOBODY wants that to happen! Riiiiiiiiiight?!" The tips of her tails turn into lightsaber blades and she looks around.
Like June 17, 2021
"well i turned into a protogen after taking a big ole break from this place and everyone now thinks im cute..."
Like June 17, 2021
Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
"Aaaaaawwwwww....I've never understood Protogens...BUT! Good for you! Hehe..."
Like June 17, 2021
"because well i just thought since i was already half metal time to put on a visor... basically"
Like June 17, 2021
Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
"Aaaaahhhhh....I see, now! Hehe..."She giggles, nuzzling the uber smol protogen.
Like June 17, 2021
Knight Wolf
Knight walks by and stops turning to the giant fox, "Well, seems another powerful force has returned,' he says nodding to her, "Welcome back madam," he says
Like June 17, 2021
Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
The gigantic, 250,000-ish mile long kitsune isn't really having a good day. And she's kinda sad. But, instead of stepping on stuff or eating things, y'know...Do the stuff she normally does to feel bet... View More
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We did it boys, Earth is no more.
Like September 17, 2020
The Ghostling stared at Her before letting out a loud sigh since he wanted to find a way to make them feel better even though he was ponyvile's Vigilante now.
Like September 17, 2020
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"Yeah, You too. and i got a lot of other trick's... But mostly one that i can show you... Well a percent of it" He said to her sitting down
Like September 17, 2020
Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
"I could just read your mind, if I wanted them all, honestly...Hehehehe....In fact, that's fairly tempting....Just 'cause I wanna-"
Like September 17, 2020
"Well I'm not saying you can't " He said patting her head.
Like September 17, 2020
Pan places her stuffed animals on the kitsune’s paws and smiles up at them.
Like September 17, 2020
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Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
Gently snuggles Pan, "Then panda can sleep.Foxo doesn't wanna bother-"
Like September 17, 2020
Pan curls up with the plush on Aki’s paw while murmuring “Nini” to the giant
Like September 17, 2020
Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
She smiles, "...Sleep well, Pan...Thanks..."
Like September 17, 2020
Lunar Eclipse
Lunar isn’t feeling good either and curls up next to giant kitsume, hiding in her fur
Like September 17, 2020 Edited
Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
Aki gently gives Lunar Eclipse cuddles to make them feel better.
Like September 17, 2020
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