*If you haven't read the first part I would suggest reading that one first. Its titled "Found"
Dragonfly would jolt away and shake his head, slinging water all over the metal floor and walls. He would try to move but found himself restrained to a pipe connected to the wall. He looked around and found two stallions standing in front of him, both in uniforms he couldn't identify and masks that covered their faces. One had an empty bucket beside him that looked like it was holding water, water ...
*TW: Suffocation and death.
Before you read this, im fine. Nothings happened to me. This isn't a vent post. I've just been planning on writing this out for a while now.
*The names of things English translations of what would originally be Rassulian names.
The Rassulian Empire from the Metalo Kledia system in the third quarter of the Requos galaxy is known to many as one of the largest and most brutal empire in the mapped universe. Having taken over most off their own galaxy and capable of expanding past that the Rassulian Empire has garnered a fearful reputation, yet are opposed by no military or policing force. All those who intend to fight them are met wi...
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There Dragonfly stood staring at the button he had just pressed, launching the emergency broadcast beacons after he recorded what could be his final words to anyone. A moment or two would pass before the ship shook and he realized he needed to act instead of staring off into space. The Titandragon was currently hurtling straight towards the moon and didn't look like it was going to stop. The engines were fried and the gravity drive broken, the ship maneuvering thrusters weren't operational eithe...
In the later and darker hours in Equestria when not much would be going on the sky would be illuminated by several bright lights seemingly falling from the sky like shooting stars except much brighter and with smoke trails. If close enough to them they would make a subtle vibration as they impacted.
At first look they looked like metal eggs but they would all simultaneously shoot flares up into the sky that would float overheat for a while marking their location. Right after the flares they w...
Dragonfly was given up by his Rassulian parents and treated by the rest of his kind as inferior and weak like he was broken. He was adopted by a mare from a neighboring planet and raised there with her loving care. Although being bullied harshly for being a Rassulian, the ones who took over half their own galaxy for control, he would follow in his adopted mother's footsteps and forgive. After mandatory military service as a rescue pilot Dragonfly would inherit a ship and become the stallion, he ...
The FD-256 ATC's main function is the protection and transportation of high-value materials and objects through space, especially that of sectors with high piracy and assault rates. High-value materials and objects can be those of high-demand or extreme danger such as expensive building material to low-density nuclear reactor engine cores, all of which can be safely transported within the craft's cargo hold and kept from harm.
The armored transport craft utilizes cargo s...
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