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Zelda Burks
.Post in Gold Hoarder
Bible Is the holly book, the book which have the knowledge of the whole world. The book is the downloaded copy which is available in the online market. The explain the every context which is describes in the bible in an elaborate way.
.Post in OC Critic/Rate My OC Thread
<p>List of oc's:</p> <p>Yoshim<br /><br /> Male Earth pony</p> <p>Lucius<br /><br /> Male Lucretiar (dragon subspecies not made by me)</p> <p>Ralph<br /><br /> Male Diamond Dog</p> <p>Mark<br /><br /> Male Unicorn</p> <p>Rouge<br /><br /> Male Changeling</p> <p>Torpid<br /><br /> Male Unicorn</p> <p>Max<br /><br /> Male Changeling</p> <p>Summer Breeze<br /><br /> Female Pegasus</p>
Starlit Spackle
.Post in Spackle's OC Rating Thread
Finally someone who speaks in hex code. Other than the stripper hair and the mid 00’s preteen choker this is OK. Though I do question the dominance of the red. Usually you’d want to contrast your colours so from far away you don’t look like a giant orange blob but meh. Oh look at that, a teenager going through their parents divorce. Nobody else experienced this so it’ll be an exciting new thing to talk and learn about through your character! Also the fuck you doing picking the word witness. She was obviously involved in a custody battle. Especially if they’re teenagers they don’t just ‘witness’ the process. Witness implies that they had no investment whether emotionally or physically in the process. They just bear witness to it. That’s weak. This is weak. Do better. Oh wow look a hard working man getting his hard earned money that he spent hundreds of 24 hour shifts working all the time to earn gets taken away. The divorce system is not unfair at all. NOT UNFAIR AT ALL CUTIE MARK Tropy and boring. Oh a heart with wings. How creative. Haven’t seen that anywhere else before. Definitely not in this thread either. We’ll see if this cutie mark has any symbolism relevant to it CUTIE MARK STORY And look at that, it doesn’t. Wow. Great job. It is seriously impressive that you were able to make a character’s defining moment this stupid. I guess I should have expected this from a character who wears a choker unironically. PERSONALITY A character who is short tempered an impatient wears a choker unironically. Ok, I think I should stop mentioning the choker so much. I might look like I’m putting less effort into this review than they put into this character. [quote]This mare has a lot of patience when it comes to manipulating social situations and people's minds,[\quote] You know, the show is called “Friendship is Magic”, not “Friendship is a method to manipulate others’ emotions to gain things of value”. Holy fuck people. If so many of you view human compassion and relationships like this no wonder you spend all your free time on some dumb brony imageboard. Here we go again with the “Is X but also can be Y”. You motherfuckers need to learn what opposites are and stop juxtaposing them. If you are X then be X. If you are Y then be Y. When you end up inevitably breaking character due to extreme circumstance in either your backstory or in RP it will be important to your character and/or give people further insight into who your character is. Otherwise you’re just an egotistical socially inept teenager who wears chokers unironically. Ok I said that I was going to stop with the choker thing. I lied. It’s just such low hanging fruit I can’t resist. LIKES Protip: Introverted does not mean that you dislike social activity. It means that social activity requires energy to participate in. If someone is introverted, then they are tired after a long day of being social. Whereas, an extrovert gains energy from interacting socially, and will feel tired or down if they go long periods of time without talking with someone. An introverted person can be just as social as an extroverted person, they just deal with energy dynamics differently. Sensational! Might they, perhaps, also appreciate not getting kicked in the head by a steel toed boot? No shit they like getting paid and surviving. This section is not for telling the reader what they already know. This is about telling the reader what they don’t know about the character. Why would you waste time and space defining something so basic? DISLIKES I want to take a poll on how many of these dislikes will never be brought up again in the detailed history section, are put in there haphazardly, and have no impact on the character in any way/shape/form. For the first time, I am relating to this character. SKILLS There is nothing of value in here. Says something a little bit about the character, eh? DETAILED HISTORY . Because nothing inspires sociology such as an act like… acting like a normal human being towards someone you enjoy the company of? What the fuck. foreshadow (fôr-shădˈō, fōr-) v. To present an indication or a suggestion of beforehand; This is an example of foreshadowing, where the author is showing the drop in my interest in this character before it actually happens. Probably a B.A. in Psychology. Of which none you’ll be able to get with a liberal arts degree. An example of using bad financial planning as a method of moving the plot forward. Also an example of a stupid character not realising that school’s expensive and saving for both a bachelor’s and masters right off the gate without loans is not possible for the 99%. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Thanks for putting in a joke that only university students will understand. Couldn't’t be further from the truth. They want new staff because they’re significantly cheaper than actually good staff. This is why doctors and nurses usually don’t stay in hospital rosters for very long and end up going private practice. $$$ Love Advice! Now 10% more effective than confiding in any random teenager! Another joke that only university students will understand. A shop making enough money to pay student loans? Pffffft. So lets take a look at this from front to back, right? We’ve learned next to nothing about how any of these events actually shaped the character, why she did any of it, or really what the consequences of these were. You’re treating your character like you’re writing an encyclopedia. That’s stupid. Characters need to be written emotionally. You need to tell us why they make decisions, what motivates them, all that shit. You say that they like manipulating people? How? Why? You say they give love advice? Really? Is it good? Is it false, are they just pulling people’s legs just to get at them? Do they do it from a broken heart or the fact that they’ve never had a relationship before and want to live by second hand romance? For as many words as you put down, you told me nothing I want to know about your character. Physical Attributes: 3 Psychological Attributes: 2 Historical Attributes: 1 Unity: 1 No extra points. Total: 7 Verdict: Requires immediate incineration TLDR: Someone with no emotional intelligence whatsoever critiques other people on their emotional intelligence.
Starlit Spackle
.Post in Spackle's OC Rating Thread
Here we go! Lets see what kind of hidden potential we have sitting here in my inbox. Name Sex Species Picture Body Colour Judging by the image and the character's name, those brown splotches are a result of heavy crystal meth use. Mane Colour Good example of colour wheel theory picking triadic colours. Although I don't know what part of scarlet is brilliant, considering the only two times you use scarlet as a colour is if you're drawing off-hue bloodstains or trying to remember the name of that one escort you met up with after you made a visit to the health clinic. Eye Colour Straying a bit far from the colour wheel, but still close enough. Although there is not a single colour on this character yet that doesn't remind me of my binge drinking vomit. Body Type Fatty. Foalhood > until her younger sister came along when Red was almost a teenager. hehe. Oops-foal. > Her two older brothers would bother, tease and pick on the ditzy young mare constantly. Reword this to be less emo. Saying "Growing up in a male-dominated household with two older brothers, Red Ink developed a thick skin." is so much less angsty than whatever the fuck you wrote. I can't wait until this character develops well in a happy household with positive role models to base their behavi- > Shortly thereafter, her father developed a strong drinking habit that eventually led to him leaving the picture and visiting infrequently for quite some time. Whelp, that worked out for a whole 10 seconds. Lets see how this works into the character's storyline later on before we judge too harshly > He returned a clean stallion shortly after Red had dropped out of school, several years later. See, that wasn't so bad. Right now though, I'm more interested in the Dad's story than yours. Be more interesting. Cutie Mark I didn't know that you could take early 2000's trailer trash and turn it into an OC. Cutie Mark Story > It was a slaughter Basically how I'm feeling right now. > Coming up to bat Red made note of a fence partially ripped and pulled down by impatient foals in front of the winning team’s dugout, in front of which stood the tall and imposing coach looking at his star pitcher proudly. His cheek sure looked like a nice place for a baseball, and that’s exactly where it went. This may have earned the little mare a disqualification and stern lecture from both coaches, but also a sweet butt tattoo. How I read this the first time around was that the character put the ball directly in the break in the fence. Was definitely about to lecture about cliches, yell about innapropriate forshadowing, and mock you for stupidity. But now I just get to congratulate your character for graduating from edgy emo to violent edgy emo. Because if there's one thing this world needs, it's more positive reinforcement for senseless impulsive violence! And what your character did here really is senseless, because it has no basis in reality. What made your character want to do this? What motivations did your character have for doing this? You told us the who what when where, but you didn't tell us why. Why is 50% of the story when we're talking about characters - so maybe I should just be dissapointed that you submitted an incomplete character. Personality Coincidentally my favourite Sex Pistols song came on here. Fitting, because DAE ANARRCHYYYY FOR THE UUUUUU KAYYYYYA Likes Mean spirited jokes have good potential for RP. Familiarity breeds contempt anyways, so if you skip step one it's a much more efficient way to spend your time. I wanna know what kind of hijinks are common with your character. Dislikes Is it legal to make an OC that would hate you IRL? Also my anti-vegetarian alarm is going off and I love it. I want justification for your anti-short stance, however I do not want justification for your hate of wearing clothes. Skills > Excelled at baseball Your cutie mark story says otherwise. > ‘hoof’ball (American football equivalent) I believe you mean Handball Detailed History I find your anti-establishment attitude and your choice of hometown to be amusing. I also find your choice of setting for the future of your character interesting. I'd like to know more about what motivated your character to pursue banditry as opposed to being urban trash. Physical Attributes: 4 Psychological Attributes: 4 Historical Attributes: 4 Unity: 4 Additional point for reasonable colour choice and lack of explicitly stated crystal meth addiction. Verdict: Good details, needs some help around the edges TLDR: Edgy violent 2000's trailer trash graduates and separates themselves from society, and sustains themselves on the hard work of others. This TLDR has striking similarities to my own experiences.
Starlit Spackle
.Post in Spackle's OC Rating Thread
Your character looks like they have granular corneal dystrophy. I will be kind of impressed if this is what you’re actually going after, as opposed to just adding random shit to your character in the futile attempt to make it spechul. What? They were correct. Also fuck you put more effort into your shit and stop wasting my time. CUTIE MARK Good design, even if overly simplistic. CUTIE MARK STORY What is with people and submitting incomplete characters. Fuck you. I’m not doing any more of this if you refuse to not waste everyone’s time. I can’t give you any feedback if there’s nothing there.
I mean, I do have a basis. I ran a thread exactly like this a really really long time ago. Let me tell you, the shit that I had to wade through would have made a water treatment plant employee nauseous. I just straight up don't accept them anymore. They have no place in this world other than canon character only.
I don't know what I love more: The fact that you have the decency to know that socks are stupid looking, or the fact that you deliberately applied socks to make your character look stupid. WOW WHAT A NICE DETAILED CHILDHOOD SUMMARY YOU HAVE HERE. I’m not going to spend more than 2 minutes thinking about any section that has a whole 3 sentences dedicated to it. You have an opportunity to be thoughtful and create an environment that will eventually cultivate your OC in the future, but hey - work is effort. And effort is a waste. Take your two remaining braincells and do something interesting with your character’s childhood. Also you used the term ‘mary sue’ improperly, but whatever. I don’t give a fuck. CUTIE MARK To put it bluntly, I never like receiving incomplete characters. The point of a cutie mark is to allow small children to identify character’s traits by a visible symbol. Don’t be lazy. Holy shit this entire thing is a mess. It’s so meme worthy it almost hurts. I’m sorry, what? I’m sorry, what? BY AZURA BY AZURA BY AZURA Lazy is most certainly an adequate word to describe your OC. CUTIE MARK STORY PERSONALITY . I do not like where this is going. And, we’re done here. See you guys next week. This is where I draw the line.
Greetings space friends, Today you will proceed beyond a rubicon - for you have discovered my OC rating thread. Back from the depths of a now-deceased website, after countless hours of roleplay on many different characters and accounts, I am back 5 years later to tell you how shit both your OC and your waifu are. So how it works is simple. Step 1: Go to and fill out the form with all relevant details. Yes I did omit Alicorn as a species type. This was deliberate. Alicorn OCs are automatically shit-tier. Step 2: Wait for 3-5 business days for me to review your submission. Step 3: Your submission will be reposted to this thread, along with my notes and thoughts following my established criteria. Why am I tying it to a form, do you ask? Well, if someone is suggesting an OC that they've just created or are working on, I would like to keep who it belongs to private. This will keep people from feeling publicly shamed. If you're submitting an OC that's already known by the community - then you know full well what you're doing. Rating methodology: Each question in the form asks for specific information. This information is judged both individually, and as part of the whole. Each individual category is rated on a 5 point scale. This scale is: 1. No positive qualities 2. Sporatic positive qualities - overall negative 3. Both positive and negative qualities. Overall neutral 4. Negative qualities taint an otherwise positive thought. 5. Majority positive qualities - no major negative qalities. The categories that are rated using this system are: Physical Attributes (Appearance) Psychological Attributes (Personality) Historical Attributes (Story) Unity (How well the attributes compliment each other) After all the categories have been rated, an overall score will be administered. This overall score is out of 28. 5 points are allocated per category. An additional point is allocated to each category which has a score of 5. Up to an additional 4 points are added meritoriously for interesting, high quality, high effort characteristics of the character. Overall Score Ranges: 4-8: Requires immediate incineration 9-12: Needs an overhaul, but some fundamental details can be recycled. 13-17: Good details, needs some help around the edges 18-22: Great details, needs that last piece to make it extraordinary 23-24: Amazing! 25+: God-tier Disclaimer: I reserve the right to be sarcastic as fuck during the reviewing process. I also lack morals and impulse control, so take that as you will. Don't wanna get flamed? Don't submit bad characters. Submitting characters is only anonymous to me or anyone who reads this thread if they haven't seen your character before. OC's Rated: Starlight Sparkle ( ) Red Ink ( ) Carnelian Clout ( ) Ryan Shine ( ) Dusty Bones ( ) Lights Action ( ) Luciette ( ) Angel Wingate Heart ( ) FireBlitz ( ) Heart Container ( ) Brody Dusk ( ) Butterscotch ( ) Mysti Synphorrnia ( )