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Chiller Sway
.Post in Summer Day Snapshots!
Playing outside with my siblings can be fun... for the first 20 minutes. But anyway I bought them this RC boat that they both surprisingly understand how to play with despite the youngest of them being 2 I think. The other is 4 and they really have fun with it. We take it to the city duck pond and go to the little stream at the end to keep away from choppy waters. Just have to keep the algae out of the propellers!
Cynbel Ferode
.Post in Summer Day Snapshots!
I’m a boring boy, so I just end up spend a lot of my summer gardening. No flowers, just food, and right now only my tomatoes are doing well enough to be photographed. Gonna be working a pretty big piece of my back yard soon so I can plant my turnip greens when fall hits. B)