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Silverspark:was just about to get more paint for her master piece she looked up and seeing it was raining chocolate she levitated several strawberries and marshmellows and and grabbed a really long skewer stick and made a chocolate cabob made with with cherries and started eating she flapped her wings happily though she is getting chocolate on her hoodie and good thing she had her painting covered
You'd be surprised, hun. *I would turn off the chocolate fountain and get to work replacing the parts with good ones.* This goes here... that goes there... *I would tap on my shades and they would activate a holographic display.* Fixing fountains like this should be no problem for me. I do work on maintenance on the HQ after all. I'll call some agents to help with clean up and even replace the food as well. *Meanwhile, Smg4 would come out and notice the chocolate-y mess presented before him.* (Smg4) Welp. Guess I missed quite a show.