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Dolly’s full title is Lady Dolly Root. She was born on September 21st, 1983. She is very much alive and somewhat well at the age of 36 (parent’s were ages 28 [mother] and 33 [father])Grandmother’s name and title are Lady Lillian Root. (Lilly is a nickname) her birthdate is April 15th, 1925 and is currently still kicking at the age of 95.Grandfather’s name and (given through marriage) title was Lord Billy Root, and born on June 11th, 1924. His unmarried name was Billy Moss. He passed on December ... View More
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Nitroxus Soulspins Dolly
*Nitroxus climbed down a blue pipe that was in the air. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus bounced on some bubbles that he was blowing into the air. He landed in front of the sheep and then smiled. He then passed them a large gift* Happy Birthday to you!
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Changed my mind, it’s now a fireplace instead of a chrimmus tree because I don’t hate myself that much
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December 17, 2020
(Please ignore all the periods it was the only way I could get it to stay properly)
Friday, December 13th, xxxx
........................Robbery At Root's Mansion!
.....Estimated Over 100,000 Bits Stolen in Collectibles
....................And Other Miscellaneous Items!
.....By Quick Write
.......Lady Lillian Root awoke late last night to the sound of broken glass. Gathering her courage, this brave old ewe went to investigate the source but only found a broken window and a ransacked house.
Calling the local police station the ewe would step outside for some fresh air. When the officers arrived, she greeted them and showed them inside and to the ravaged rooms.
This is when the widow noticed that some of her late husband's, Sire Billy Root, cherished collectables had gone missing. Including an antique set of armor, multiple paintings, and antique jewelry.
Among other items missing are silverware and multiple pieces of expensive jewelry.
The security cameras in the house showed something unexpected. It didn't look to be a pony doing this, or even any of our allied species. It looked to be something made of shadows, although it may have simply been an illusion to cover up the true suspect, police ask everyone to be on the lookout and to be extra careful when interacting with anyone known to be capable of shadow manipulation or magic of this kind.
A monotone voice drills out "Breaking News!" as whatever you're watching and/or playing is interrupted by a newspony. They're even playing it over speakers of any cars or stereos.
"We interrupt this ... View More
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Gray can't believe they interrupted his show for this, "C'mon they have the money to buy more, big deal." he grumbles and rolls his eyes.
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