Fable Daydreams
I need help! I've been having the same nightmare over and over day after day! It's all about me being in a situation where I need to call 911 but since I don't have a phone I need to use other peoples... View More
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But i think i could know tge reason to why
January 28, 2019

Fable Daydreams
January 28, 2019

January 28, 2019

Stardusk Strider
Beat up the guy with the gun
January 28, 2019

Fable Daydreams
I tried fighting him once (I got shot) I have a rifle but I can never find it even tho its always in a barn but in my dreams its never there! >X(
January 28, 2019
Null UserNU
Null User
You feel trapped at where you live.
I had a black ghost chase me in my nightmares and I've been shot point blank, three times, in three separate dreams and felt that.
January 30, 2019

Fable Daydreams
Heck yeah I feel trapped U^U Dang three separate times...
January 30, 2019
Null UserNU
Null User
The second time, I saw blood coming from my chest after feeling the shot.
January 30, 2019

You could just like not sleep
January 30, 2019
Have any of you ever been interested in being able to be aware that you are dreaming, and have control over your dreams? Over the last two years, I have had a very unsuccessful journey with lucid drea... View More
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I got covered by ants last night in my dream and eventually couldn't move due to the pain.
Odd times, dreams are. Odd odd odd.
Hope someone's lucid dreamt of Luna showing up in their dream. That would be a fun one.
I’ve only ever achieved partial lucid dreaming, never have full control, but I have stumbled about while trying to dream walk until I tripped and woke up, knew I was in a dream at least five times, during one of those I was in a car and when I tried to wake up everything suddenly became much darker ... View More
what some people do is close their eyes and imagine themselves somewhere else, and if your successful, when you open your eyes you should be in that location, others sometimes have to literally leave, an example would be to imagine a door in front of you leading somewhere safe.
I love learning more about the dream world, lucid dreams sound so freakin cool ^^
I've looked into lucid dreaming a bit, it seems neat. My sub consciousness is too aware or something XD the few times I become aware I'm dreaming I still don't have control. The rest of the time I'm in a weird place that rests somewhere between 1st person perspective and 3rd person perspective? Rega... View More
It does take some time to be able to have control of your dreams, but it's great that you have the ability to become aware that you are dreaming. Some people take months to achieve the state of lucidity, as for the forgetting of dreams, when you wake up, immediately reflect on the dream. If you have... View More
I had a dream before I joined the fandom. Heck, even before seeing the show like at all.
So in my dream I woke after hearing something very omminous which was also scary at the sametime. At the time... View More
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Have you had a dream that you would be willing to share?
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I have a dream once and It's about me trying to "survive" during an apocalyptic event. Meteors falling from the sky, fire blazing the grounds, explosions in the background, red blood clouds and complete chaos. Meanwhile I just casually walking around trying to find my dog.
That is so scary but funny to think about X3 the fact that you are just casually walking around to find your dog is just too funny, hope you found your dog ^^
From what I can remember. I think I didn't found my dog instead I found a giant meteor coming towards me. I didn't run when I saw the meteor, I just stand there and like "we all gonna die anyway." I was laughing when I woke up from the dream.
Well that sure is creepy... but I mean to dream of the apocalypse signifies an emotional and dramatic change taken place. Consider the type of apocalyptic end of the world events that associated with the dream to get some better clues. Look into your feelings, and actions to survive, as they can be ... View More
My most realistic dream I can remember is also my best and worse dream I know of. Basically I lived a lifetime in my own head. I woke up in a fantasy world looking different from myself and a different name. It felt like that was my actual life and I didn't remember my actual life. So I went on my u... View More
Last nights dream was random, there was an outbreak of some sort of disease that got you really really sick, like it killed you in 3 days type of sick and its passed by making eye contact with another... View More
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Lets see lately I have been dreaming a lot about dinosaurs, why? I don't know o~O
What have you been dreaming about lately?
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"To see a dinosaur in your dream symbolizes an outdated attitude. You may need to discard your old ways of thinking and habits. To dream that you are being chased by a dinosaur, indicates your fears of no longer being needed or useful."
"According to Sumber, dreams about death often indicate "the symbolic ending of something, whether that's a phase, a job or a relationship." He suggests that a dream about death can also indicate attempts to resolve anxiety or anger directed toward the self." Interesting ^^
November 7, 2018
"Drowning is a common dream theme which usually occurs when we are under a lot of physical or emotional stress in waking life. * Drowning may symbolize the fear of being overcome by or drowning in your emotions; or you may be experiencing financial difficulties and are 'drowning in debt."
November 7, 2018
I had a dream furbies chased me last night
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Last nights dream was one of those where instead of being me I was rude and cruel and soooo negative o-o
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My dreams are getting scary and sad!! I went to prison last night, i lost everything I loved, but I knew I was going to be ok ^^
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<I had night terrors every night for several years, dying in various and often imaginative ways. Kinda miss it.>