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Grace Mortéz
Continuing her welding, Grace had recieved a communication from the heads of the base. "EAM, huh? Well alright." In a flash, Grave had teleported to the base, and scrambled to get her gear on. Suiting... View More
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Angel Wingate heart
"Pixi one this is Cerberus launch codes have been released go to fixed point canterlot and wait for further" angel was standing down in CIC all monitoring the exercise " you're clear to take off " dilution of keeping the pilots to believe this is the real deal it's giving them the experience of d... View More
November 9, 2019

Grace Mortéz
"Command, Pixie One reporting, E.T.A; 5 minutes and counting. Squadron going dark, I repeat, squadron going dark." After radioing the CIC, she radio'd the rest of her squadron. "Orders are as follows, we drop on Canterlot. Cerberus Launch Code permission given, I repeat, Cerberus Launch Code permiss... View More
November 9, 2019

Angel Wingate heart
"all units this is cerberus exercise over RTB" angel was smiling her pilots was living up to the highest standard " make sure all the pilots get pancakes after touchdown I will be in my office " angel like to reward good behaviour and results
November 9, 2019

Grace Mortéz
"Confirm, pancakes waiting on the ground. We'll be home in 20, over." Grace throttled up the engines and engaged the afterburners, making haste back to base. "Tower, this is Pixie One on final approach, requesting permission to land."
November 9, 2019