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Canon Equestria for the most part, but I'm pretty flexible.
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Hate to ask as I don't wanna make a scene, but how does one delete their account?
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You will need to talk with mods. However, we would love to see you stay!
March 2, 2022

Alright, thanks. I've tried talking to Corona/Cornbread but haven't got a response yet. I should follow up, I suppose... I just wanna get this done. I'm moving on.
March 2, 2022

A good alternative is to not nesecarily go cold turkey, but to rather keep the account, but just step back for a bit, perhaps not use the site for a bit, and come back if you think you are ready. and if you dont think you will ever be ready, forgetting about the account does the same practial effect... View More
March 2, 2022

Honestly, it's not about being ready or taking a break. I'm straight up moving on, so if I can't delete the account, I suppose I'm just gonna have to forget about it. Will try contacting the mods again first though.
March 2, 2022
Sooo... I'm ready to show this now. Something I've been working on for the past few afternoons, it's of an alternate character of mine that I haven't mentioned or posted anything about before, Neon Ri... View More
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Really the only thing off is the eyes, and honestly that might just be the lack of color making them look too uniform. Otherwise this looks great.
February 11, 2022
Thanks so much! By too uniform do you mean like blending in with the rest of the character? And yeah, I haven't added colour/shading or whatever to anything yet as I'm saving that for the detail phase, specifically the eyes because they'll require a lot of work for what I want.
February 11, 2022
Nein, not like blending in with the rest of the character. More that the the eye rings of the eye closer to perspective- the iris, pupil, and whites (assuming normal biology)- are too uniform. A bit like cocentric rings. But like I said, it's also likely a problem of it being uncolored and messing w... View More
February 11, 2022
Alright, I've forgotten how to add a new character, if you can still do that. .-. It would be much appreciated if someone could enlighten me on this.
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Either look to the bottom of switching characters, or if there's no more slots available, you'll have to donate.
Of course, you could also redo a slot, like I did just recently. Change the name, image, info, and you have a new character.
Alright, so I just watched an absolutely fantastic video on character design and I want to do an experiment. Imma design and entirely new and different character and see what kind of results I get fol... View More
GOOD vs BAD Character Design: Tips and Tricks! - YouTube
Check out these other amazing Character Design videos!Any-Mation : : Industry Art...
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Which guy? They redraw tons of characters in that video. And I beg to differ. Rainbow-puke edgelord demon OCs are far worse. Besides, the point of the video is to explain what makes a memorable character and how to design one, and also as stated in the video, a good design vs a bad design is complet... View More
February 11, 2022
I think I may just swap out a couple of the old alternate characters I have on here for newer ones... And add a few others... You think having like, ten alternates is too much?
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Holy smokes Batman! I have actual inspiration for playing characters today! Too heckin' bad nobody RPs anymore. .-.
Oh and to clarify, by RP I don't mean memeing your way through things, I'm talking a... View More
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Well idk, but usually it's hard to find someone who does, at least it was when I was last on. Like yeah sure, people do, but I'm talking about a proper RP, not so much casual or wall postage stuff. Got nothing against that either, those are great, but yeah.
I think I'm digging myself into a hole her... View More
February 6, 2022
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