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Female. Lives in The kingdom Arendelle,  Human World,  Beyond Equestria. 125 years old
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Anna walked through was all strange and new to her. As well as so adorable, how badly she wanted to pat the ponies, but since they were talking and wearing clothes, she thought that wou... View More
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Moonlight Shadow
"hello there. where do you come from." Moonlight swooped from the sky and landed in front of Anna.
Like February 2, 2020
"Urr...Hi! I come from Arendelle, it's in Norway. A long way from here."
Like February 2, 2020
Moonlight Shadow
"Awesome. What brings you to ponyvill."
Like February 2, 2020
"Mainly the appeal of the cute ponies." She giggled. "Look at you. You're adorable."
Like February 11, 2020
A voice could be heard from abroad. "Come one! Come all! To this abosolutely marvelous performance FREE OF CHARGE!" "An opportunity awaits each and everypony that walks up to this stage today!
Like February 2, 2020
Anna heard this from a distance and imediatly ran over to watch the show.
Like February 11, 2020 Edited
“Excuse me.” Spike walked past her, paying no mind as he looked down at a piece of paper.
Like February 11, 2020 Edited
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They were directions. He stopped and turned to the fellow human. “Why are you following me?” He asked her.
Like February 11, 2020
"Oh. um....well it's kinda a relif to see another human here. I was interested where you were going......" She had a guilty look on her face. "I'm awfully sorry sir. I should go."
Like February 11, 2020
“I just wanted to know why you were following me, not telling you to go away.” Spike said, “I’m trying to find a building but the directions are god awful.”
Like February 11, 2020
Ice Wisp
Like February 11, 2020
Anna was confused. "What??"
Like February 11, 2020
Bright Brave
I saw your new movie. It was great. :3
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Oh thank you!! I may have be a bit of ugly crier, sorry. It was good though because I get to be Queen now!!
Like December 18, 2019
Bright Brave
You're so strong <3
Like December 18, 2019
*blushes* Awww...thanks!! You’re pretty strong too I bet!
Like December 30, 2019
Bright Brave
Like December 30, 2019 Edited
Hi ponies! I’m Anna of Arendelle. I know this is a pony site, but I’d love to meet and roleplay with you guys because you’re awesome! Warning, though my posts may contain spoilers for Frozen II, if yo... View More
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Honey Glow
Hello Anna!
Like December 18, 2019
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Honey Glow
My name is Honey Glow.
Like December 18, 2019
That’s such a pretty name! It reminds of summer...and warmth. It’s a little weird sorry.
Like December 18, 2019
Honey Glow
I'm used to it. Thanks.
Like December 18, 2019
Angel Wingate heart
I have not seen frozen 2 but it's an honour to meet you princess my name is Angel Wingate Billerica Hart of the House of Hearts. General of royal equestrian Air Force
Like December 18, 2019
It’s very nice to meet you too! My Kingdom doesn’t have an airforce...well I’ve never heard of one anyway. Actually I’m not quite sure what an airforce is. My sister, Queen Elsa would love to meet you, but she’s busy cause...Queen.
Like December 18, 2019
Angel Wingate heart
"my princess I will be happy to show you around on our facility at pony lake Air Force base someday you'll be more than welcome" sinking her head in respect of the Royalty " that will give you an idea how we defend this country" the Countess was lifting her head again
Like December 18, 2019
“Thank you so much!!” She bows in return. “I’d love to explore you methods of defence! Arendelle could use some help in the defence department. Considering that we allowed my ex fiancé to almost kill me and my sister.”
Like December 18, 2019
Flam guffawed. What a fool! The only true royalty were the goddesses! What could this skinny thing have to offer?
Like December 18, 2019
Polo Fastter
"I C E"
Like December 18, 2019
"No, actually my sister makes Ice. I'm powerless." She starts to fidget a little.
Like February 11, 2020
Flam laughed. What a weak princess indeed! He leaned back in his chair, and continued to read his newspaper, shaking his head in shame.
Like February 11, 2020
Pidge gives a thumbs up, how she did it was unknown. It was most likely a gesture of appreciation for another person attempting to RP a crossover, but could also mean a yes to the RP
Like February 11, 2020 Edited
"Horray!" She patted the pony gently on the head. Excited to see what would happen in the RP and what new adventures she would have.
Like February 16, 2020
Pidge stopped the head pat. "No, we don't do that, or at least i don't, my name is Pidge Gunderson, Nice to meet you!"
Like February 17, 2020
O: Ah Fluttershy! So good to finally meet you! *the black alicorn stallion gave Fluttershy a warm smile* Enjoying this glorious daytime?
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“Oh! Yes I am!” She giggled. “It’s nice to meet you too!”
Like August 30, 2019
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She blushed. “Why thank you!”
Like August 30, 2019
O: *Olmotack thought for a moment* Hey... How DO you speak to animals? I've seen many ways beings talk to them... But how are you able to understand them?
Like August 30, 2019
“I don’t know.....I just...can feel what they are feeling..”
Like October 24, 2019 Edited
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus exploded out of the ground and bowed* I hope that enjoy the times that you will spend here!
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Me (mun): HA I got to her first, NOOOOOOB (Plz no hate me dude I no mean it)
Like August 29, 2019 Edited
Aiden: Ah you must be Fluttershy! Luna has mentioned you before. Pleasure to meet you! *the tall, silvery skinned alicorn stallion extended his hoof to Fluttershy for a hoofshake, and carried a warm s... View More
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“’s nice to meet you too!”
Like August 28, 2019
A: Now I have heard about your thing for animals... Mind showing me you're ability on how you get along so well with them? i always wanted to see that in action... I-If you don't mind that is *he craned his head back and rubbed the back of his neck with his hoof*
Like August 29, 2019
“Well...I can try. Do you have a little creature who needs help!?” *she bubbles with excitement*
Like October 24, 2019
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