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The sounds of wodden staves smacking into eachother could be heard, echoing out through the moonlit training yard. It was way past curfew. They really shouldn't be out here, no doubt ... View More
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Commander Wyatt Ryder
Wyatt was watching the girls and then moved into the training yard. "Wrong. Your hoofwork needs work." he stated to Applebloom and steps forwards into Luna's moonlight. He really was sneaky as he was watching for a few minutes and they hadn't noticed him. "What are you three doing out here at this t... View More
October 25, 2019

They all give a sharp nod. In perfect sync. "Yes, Sir. Understood."
October 26, 2019

Commander Wyatt Ryder
Wyatt nodded. "Very good. Off you go."
October 26, 2019

They swiftly and obediently begin gathering the equipment they were using, and began to make their way inside.
October 26, 2019

Princess Neon Synthwave
Neon watched. Her expression was deadpan as she approached the group. "Little late to be doing this, don't you think?" She asked while approaching the group
October 25, 2019

Princess Neon Synthwave
“How’s about this? You can continue your practice. If anyone gives you trouble, tell them I allowed it. I’m sure they’ll understand. If not, then I’ll try my best to make sure you get trained by my best.” She reassured while approaching the group. Her attire becoming more exposed
October 26, 2019

"I'm afraid, your proposed idea won't quite work, as nice as it sounds, Ma'am. We follow a strict chain of command, and any commands or otherwise actions that require authority coming from outside that chain, to the best of my understanding, carry no weight." Scootaloo says.
October 26, 2019

Princess Neon Synthwave
“I’m a fellow princess. One to an aligned kingdom that wishes to aid in this war. I understand though what you mean. I’d hate to run into Celestia at this time anyways.”
October 26, 2019