Corrupted Alicorn
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Solar Imperium
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Nitroxus Soulspins Daybreaker
*Nitroxus would slide over while rocking on his Saxophone to the pony. He smiled and nodded. He then passed a large gift over.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus rode on a unicycle and was juggling some bowling pins. He soon smiled to the pony. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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I'm starting to get why gamers get such a bad rep. Why mthe community gets called, as a whole, toxic. I don;t like it but i have to understand it now that i've experienced it.
Nothing like feeling tr... View More
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I mean, I like the cancer in video games, thanks to counter strike I have learnt a lot of Russian curse words and such!
And then it's just exacerbated by companies who actively encourage the behavior (Rockstar. Encouraging trolling and greifing with their annoying Oppressor MK 2s, among other things). Literally all i ever get anymore trying to actually progress is either idiots, overconfident assholes, the "ok boomer... View More
December 22, 2019
I tend to have a lot of fun in some games, including toxic ones like League of Legends! Cause I always at least attempt to play multilayer games with friends rather then solo
December 22, 2019
I mean. Don't get me wrong. I love multiplayer games. Thats where a lot of the intrigue is locked away anyways. The problem is getting a group of people with two brain cells to rub together to play with. Practically impossible on Xbox. And if you DO fin a group like that they're obsessed with KDs or... View More
December 22, 2019
I mean i'm not going to get into specifics here. But, at this current point, may ability to play any multiplayer functioning games is just. gone. Why? because nobody is fucking sensible. nobody is willing to fucking think before flipping out because someone wants to actually be serious and try out a... View More
Nuh, I feel ya. That's why I don't play games like destany. I want to get into it. But I don't know how raids work and I feel I am just gonna get harrased and told over and over I am trash.
For me, I want to get into Siege so I can play with my boyfriend but I am just TERRIFIED of fucking up while playing online and people getting pissed at me. On like my third game ever I was trying to climb up a rope to get to a position and couldn't find the angle to get on it so I was just running ... View More
December 22, 2019
For me it's not so much my skill level, its just on the games I play, people are more focused on other things that in the long run have no bearing on the gameplay experience (like leaderboard times, or KD ratios). I miss the days gaming was about having fun and trying new things, not getting salty j... View More
This is a continuation of the Solus Imperium storyline. If you would like to get involved, DM me, first, please. Reasoning will be explained in DMs.
Apple Bloom sighed, audibly. How long had the part... View More
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Wyatt stumbled into the room Daybreaker was in, obviously more than a little drunk. Seeing her more like her old self was refreshing, and it made him smile again. He sat right by her and pulled her close, wanting to feel her against him in some small way. Wyatt had to resist being slightly more... A... View More
December 22, 2019
Wyatt smiled at her. "I'll be there for you, my love." He promised Daybreaker. One of his hands ran through her wings then as he kissed her neck up to her muzzle so he could properly kiss her again, this time lighter and more lovingly.
December 22, 2019
She smiles, returning the kiss, pleased with how things were going.
December 22, 2019
Wyatt ran his hand over her cheek. "I love you, so very much." he whispered to his mare.
December 22, 2019
Meanwhile, in a different part of the castle, Sparkler was sensing said powerful magic, but... He was tempted to write it off as one of the alicorn sisters using their magic to do something... But.. It wasn't coming from anywhere near either of them... It was coming from... Around the barracks? He s... View More
December 22, 2019
On this side of the barracks, there were trace amounts of magic, mostly on insignificant objects though, and knobs on those lanterns you can turn down.
December 22, 2019
A disclaimer: This contains events inspired by actual happenings in WWI. at one point, during the holiday season, truces & ceasefires were held on Christmas Day, and many times, troops on both sides w... View More
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Honey Glow and her co-workers, Solar Star and Midnight Venture join the celebration as they look around at the opposing factions joining in a ceasefire to celebrate Hearth's Warming.
December 12, 2019
The faint smell of alcohol filled the air. yeah, it should be expected. There was an old guard quote... "I'd be a lot warmer and a lot happier with a bellyful of mead.". I mean it wasn't wrong. That's for sure.
The smells of a feast were growing to mingle with that smell as well, the air starting ... View More
December 13, 2019
Honey Glow went to go get herself some mead while the other two members of the medics tried to find something to eat before the food was gone. Solar Star stopped walking for a moment to take another look around in curiosity. Midnight Venture looked at her before she continued to walk with him to the... View More
December 13, 2019
Hymn had well, joined in on the party, but after a while of Bloom not being there, she decides to go see if everything is alright, stepping through the doorway, she’d look around until spotting her quarry, and smiling slightly. “Hey, Bloom? Everything alright?” She’d wince after asking that, stupid ... View More
She nods. "Alright. Thank you. Ah suppose I should let'cha get back to the party no. Sorry for eatin' yer free time like this."
December 14, 2019
(Sorry it took me a while to get to this)
Wyatt... Wasn't the most festive person, especially during wartime. Usually in Equestria, he was happy for the seasons, especially getting to spend them with loved ones, but not this time. He never even had a proper Christmas or Hearth's Warming until he ca... View More
Wyatt then smirked. "Alright. You have to tell Trix that her cheesecakes are awful, OR, tell Cadance you don't believe in true love. Both must be as sincere as possible" he said to Hymn.
December 15, 2019
That stopped her in her tracks... She'd pause, she couldn't break Trix's heart like that! She worked so hard on each and every one! "Um... I." She'd sigh, before... Surprisingly, or, unsurprisingly taking the cowards way out... "N-Neither. I wouldn't be able to do either... But if it was... A life o... View More
December 15, 2019
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Corrupted Alicorn