Hi! If any of you can spare the time to bother with me.... Could you make an OC for Cherry? (My current character!) I understand most of you guys are probably too busy to deal with me so it's fine, bu... View More
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( I don't think my last post came through!) ok one more thing I would like to ask if it's not to much... I hope it's not too much to ask of you guys but could you do my new alicorn OC Dawnstar? If not... View More
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She is sunny and bright. She loves her job, (painting the colors of the sunset onto the sky much like celestia raises the sun) And singing. She also loves dancing and kirin because they are very talkative and excited all the time! She loves sleepovers and parties and loves doing her own or other pon... View More
ok one more thing I would like to ask if it's not to much... I hope it's not too much to ask of you guys but could you do my new alicorn OC Dawnstar? If not I totally understand and I also want to tha... View More
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She is sunny and bright. She loves her job, (painting the colors of the sunset onto the sky much like celestia raises the sun) And singing. She also loves dancing and kirin because they are very talkative and excited all the time! She loves sleepovers and parties and loves doing her own or other pon... View More
April 19, 2021
I would like to ask someone to make me an OC please? If possible? Her name is Ocean Breeze, she likes to paint, she is an alicorn. These are a few photos of her
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I'm on a caffeine high so excuse my shitty jerky lines, but like,,, she's an earth pony who lives in the middle of nowhere because she's a mad scientist kind of and she made a device that can harness ... View More
Ooh I have one lemme doodle it!
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//Feel free to join and add a post if you have an OC idea.....!
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