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Chloe Jones Alex Flow
Considering nobody was looking~ Chloe took this opportunity to swoop on down eyeing up Alex as her prey! She would come to a sudden stop before giving him a kiss on the cheek! "Happy Hearth's Warming~... View More
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#rp It was rare whenever a celebrity made a appearance at the Wonderbolt academy, but royalty? Now that was super rare! It appears rumors were spreading around that royalty itself was dropping by for ... View More
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"It probably wouldn't be wise of me to ask you lot to perform something like that without much notice." The Queen tapped her chin. "How about a night theme? Kinda makes sense considering my husband controls the night~"
July 21, 2024
"I appreciate that." The Queen smiled. "I'll let ya know once everything is ready on my end of things. As for flyers? I suggest Chloe~ it would be good to see her again." Wait... the Queen knew Chloe?!
July 21, 2024
"Ya know the saying~ if it isn't broken don't fix it. Or if I can't fix it, it isn't broken~" Chloe chuckled and as they arrived at the field she started to do some warm ups! Stretching out her wings and doing some push-ups. "P.T. zone?" The Queen questioned as she took a look at the surrounding are... View More
July 30, 2024
"P. T. is often what they say to announce unit physical training. It is used to maintain our Bolt's to make sure they are fit to do their jobs. When they mess up, though, we double it down." Alex looked over to Chloe, smirking slightly. "Kinda need a big space around here for the size of her butt."
August 1, 2024
"That makes sense. It is important to stay in shape for aerodynamics." The Queen seemed like she understood what Alex was saying. "Is that the best you can do?~ only you would mention the size of my butt, Alex~" Shors fired~ and as Chloe kept on doing her warm-ups she stuck out her tongue in a teasi... View More
August 1, 2024
#rp Another day of pure awesomeness! Fully suited up Chloe took to the skies flying at high speeds. Today might've been a day off, but a Wonderbolt like herself always kept busy by practicing her move... View More
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She'd find herself not alone in the trick, as Alex took to doing a reverse of it, with a tad few changes to make it his own. He'd end it by flying a corkscrew around Chloe and ending up above her, looking down at the other pegasus as she flew inverted. "Now, now, don't go stressing your wings too mu... View More
June 14, 2024
"Wonderbutt? Pfft~" Chloe chuckled softly before another smirk appeared on her face. "Are we expecting some turbulence during our flight?" She winked at him playfully as she flew by his side. "Question is~ are you?"
"Stamina for days huh? I'll be sure to keep that in mind~" She chuckled softly. "I know speed isn't everything~" Indeed it wasn't. "A atm trick test ey? Go on! Throw it at me~"
June 17, 2024
Alex flared his wings, coming to a gentle landing. A gentle landing being the equivalent of a high-speed, dirt-flanging slide that stopped with a small mound in front of each hoof. "Whoo, yeah! Killed... View More
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"Soooo... Wut, You a Stunt geek ?" Said a mysterious voice behind them, sitting in a tree would be a Teen Dragon... or at least that what from Afar would tell one.
Up close this creature appeared to be a dragon but had a thin coat of fur covering their whole body up to their claw's and belly, They ... View More
September 10, 2023
"For one, I'm a Stunt Coordinator." Alex began, turning towards the voice. It took a lot to sneak up on a Pegasus, after all. "For two, it was technically 180 degrees more than 720, because I ended that portion flying literally backwards. Hence, backwards aileron roll. Not inverted."
He stared at..... View More
September 10, 2023
"...I'm gonna take your word on that even though I got none of that." She said before hopping down to meet with the pegasus. "Cotton, Cotton tail... If you couldn't guess why" She said sarcastically whilst pointing at the floof ball at the end of her tail.
"Now what are you doing here... in my Fron... View More
September 10, 2023
*Nitroxus slid down a rope from his hot air balloon. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus tied on a cape and flew to the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus bounced on a path of trampolines toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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