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Darren Cuffs
"You call that control? Come on, you can do better than that."
January 16, 2020

Angel Wingate heart
" control " ???
January 16, 2020

Angel Wingate heart
Angels eyes turn to red The Gauntlet has been thrown " is that how the fun police are talking to a supreme officer !!!" taking off a jacket this is turning serious " listen up you little police maggot you are standing in front of a suprima officer show some respect or you can crawl back to the main... View More
January 16, 2020

Darren Cuffs
Darren just blinks a few times as the mare yells at him. "You have absolutely no authority over me. You asked what I meant. I showed you." He rolls his eyes a bit. "Maybe if the air boys took training seriously, y'all wouldn't get so offended."
January 16, 2020

Angel Wingate heart
feel stupid XD
January 16, 2020

Thunderspark Lightspeed
"Apologies. It won't happen again." The stallion swore at himself internally.
January 16, 2020

It better not Newbie!
January 17, 2020

Rainbow Dash
"Now, that's what I call looking sharp! But-, are you really as fast as you look?"
January 29, 2020

I am *smirks at you knowing you want to race*
January 29, 2020
December 27, 2017
-This Is just most dedicated to any,As alike me. Who have a dream or such of being a Bolt member. Or just like them. Both still are highly encouraged on the prospect.
For this is just a reminder to me to keep mindful of. I've recently kept up on these type of things and just decided to go on with a light few things,Others did question about It,And for I will try giving a effort at It myself.
-Weather agree & or not so much. It's all on opinion wise ;)
-This can go O U T to more than just us ponies. Heck,Why not any flying species?
✔-Train..Train and make sure It's worth It!
✔-History Is important,But for bigger leagues,You can get there. Just try.
✔-Keep your head up In the game with current Bolt activities,If your up for It.
✔-Be positive!
✔- Neglection Isn't an answer,Rather just a choice. As saying probably not the best,Even If learned the hard way.
✔-Know your limits & what you're living up to.
✔-Push yourself, Of course In the right direction. That's just one of the coolest things one can do! If you ask me.
✔-Get to make friends with any other Bolts or fan.
✔-Never be afraid. You're more than you think you are.
✔-Do what's right.
✔-Stick by others side,Through thick & thin (Can really help out In the long run!)
✔-Being brave (No matter what It takes!)
✔-Be a good sport,Take one whatever you pursue no pressure.
✔-Compassion to all around you.
✔-Emerge your own to your own elite skill.
✔-Refuse bad intentions,It'd be way- better to trust your natural instincts.
✔-Make sure to have all respect when or whenever debating or advising things,It's best to keep In mind as well as shape goes. (Somepony/one will listen) Including me.
✔-Maybe a few breaks..couldn't be any harm. (totally..)
✔--But all In all,Just don't forget who you're really inside. It takes the guts to achieve anything as hard. (Which is only a common phase) The task Isn't always gonna be easy,But bolt or not,We can't let them get In our way!
6 people like this.
So...does this mean we get discounts to tickets to Wonderbolts shows?
1 person liked this.
Nopony CAN see this! Fine! I'm sure we can figure something out..
December 9, 2017
*She mumbles bringing a hoof over to cover over half of her face with embarrassment* "Erm...Here ya go.." *She lends her friend the ticket* "Just don't go spreading this around to anypony else,I'm begging you-"
December 9, 2017