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Group Info
A group for all those that play Minecraft. Whether it be Java, Bedrock, mobile or whatever edition you play, all are welcome here.
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Windy Runner
Hey all, glad to be here! I play mostly on PS5 so bedrock. Seems like a cool group!
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Sean Silvermane
Hey, I'm new to the group too. :D
Like February 13, 2025
Sean Silvermane
Hey guys. How is everyone? Silvermane The Explorer here. Been playing MINECRAFT since v1.1 and I'm proud to say that I'm an old fart when it comes to MINECRAFT.
//Hello everypony! Didn't know there was a minecraft group here, so I decided to take a look and... well, look at that! There is one! I play bedrock though I have java. Mostly because bedrock is the o... View More
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Should I make a mc java server?
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Nitroxus Soulspins
They are a little tricky, so you may need to watch a video guide, as it does takes some code. That's before you add mods too.
Like April 6, 2021
I know how to make a server
Like April 6, 2021
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So.. I've decided to close down the server. Due to declining interest because of various reasons, I don't think even updating to 1.14 will revitalize the server beyond a week or two after finally upda... View More
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and so a era of drama, ends.
Like August 2, 2019
Poli Star Agasha
Like August 2, 2019
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So the IP for the server has been updated. Hopefully no one else from previous IP uses comes back on. IP: (Picture uploaded to make sure everyone got pinged about it on here.)
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Dream Vezpyre
Guess I'll join
Like April 25, 2019 Edited
Poli Star Agasha
I think the version is now 1.14. ^^;
Like April 27, 2019
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Poli Star Agasha
Oh....I forgot about that...
Like April 27, 2019
I think we all do, for the most part. After all, how often do ya have to change your MC version to play on a server? Lol.
Like April 27, 2019
Poli Star Agasha
Not that much really. It just automatically updates when I get on mindcraft.
Like April 27, 2019
With 1.14 recently launching, don't forget that the server will stay as 1.13 until the plugins update. There's a setting on the MC launcher that lets you change what version of the game you play.
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Due to recent reports of Nether Portals acting weird and syncing up to spawn's portal, I've currently disabled/destroyed spawn's portal. Please destroy and reignite your own portals. Hopefully this'll... View More
8 people like this.
thanks a ton! this will make for easier rail system between countries!
Like April 23, 2019
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We recently just got our first reports of griefers. Thankfully, no damage was done via fire and lava, with fire tick being off. To prevent griefers from manually destroying things and taking your item... View More
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when was this? was it an attack on loneoak? was it an attack on Sneedville? what happened?
Like April 22, 2019
It was last night. Around midnight EST. Seems they hit up multiple places.
Like April 22, 2019
have you added the item history plugin? if they raided chests, you can figure out who did it, and what they took.
Like April 22, 2019
Horse Apples
dont call me out like this
Like April 22, 2019
Like April 22, 2019
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