Windy Runner
Hey all, glad to be here! I play mostly on PS5 so bedrock. Seems like a cool group!
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Sean Silvermane
Hey, I'm new to the group too. :D
February 13, 2025
Hey guys. How is everyone? Silvermane The Explorer here. Been playing MINECRAFT since v1.1 and I'm proud to say that I'm an old fart when it comes to MINECRAFT.
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So the IP for the server has been updated. Hopefully no one else from previous IP uses comes back on.
(Picture uploaded to make sure everyone got pinged about it on here.)
Due to recent reports of Nether Portals acting weird and syncing up to spawn's portal, I've currently disabled/destroyed spawn's portal. Please destroy and reignite your own portals. Hopefully this'll... View More
We recently just got our first reports of griefers. Thankfully, no damage was done via fire and lava, with fire tick being off. To prevent griefers from manually destroying things and taking your item... View More
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