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Female. Lives in  Equestria. Born on February 25, 1997
Earth pony
Roleplay Availability
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would spiral out of a purple pipe that was angled out of the ground. He would soon smile at them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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"Question, do I gotta mail you the bits to support your gamin' career? Cause' pushin' em through the screen don't seem to work."
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"Oh, definitely! You have to squeeze them into the email message. Here's my address: And remember to send as much as you can, thanks~ <3"
Like October 16, 2021
"Gotcha, gotcha, now I do gotta ask, does the bits make you stronger or somethin'?"
Like October 16, 2021
"No, silly! I can just play games all day long and provide fun for my viewers, while you make sure that I have enough bits to order food and random things. Fair, isn't it?"
Like October 17, 2021
"...I like your funny words gamer mare!"
Like October 17, 2021
Bright Brave
“Deer” Narcie. You is cute.
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"Chat, just... buy me a horn somepony. Playing with hooves is soo annoying, even autoaim doesn't help that much. How can I be precise with these?!?!" She shows her hooves to the camera. "Unicorns are ... View More
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Silver Shield
Silver nods, eating his food without any silverware, quite neatly and without spills, while winning the game at the same time. "Yes. Yes I am."
Like September 4, 2021
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Silver Shield
Like September 6, 2021
Princess Silky ❤
*is Kronk*
Like September 6, 2021
Narcie giggled as mischievous smile appeared on her face when the stallion pushed her hooves away. "Ha! You got what you deserve, cheeky unicorn."
Like September 7, 2021
Eightbit (changeling #33147)
Eightbit looks down at his own hooves, and also notes his lack of a horn in his current form, and then looks back at the screen at his Smurf account 'unicornbro23' "heh"
Like September 4, 2021
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Eightbit (changeling #33147)
Eightbit types furiously in an attempt to keep from getting banned. He hated getting banned. He tried telling you that he was just poking fun and didnt mean to offend.
Like September 6, 2021
"nArCiE uNbAn Me" She rolled eyes and smiled. "Sure, juust make sure to send me a nice donation."
Like September 7, 2021
Eightbit (changeling #33147)
Eightbit swaps to his non-smurf account, which doesn't say his race, and proceeds to mvp the lobby every round.
Like September 8, 2021
Princess Silky ❤
"Hey, sometimes wings can act as hands just as cute little raccoons, rabbit and squirrels have," she'd wink. "It's not all bad. And hooves, with enough practice, can be angled to hold a cup of tea. I've learned this one, personally."
Like September 6, 2021
"I mean. I rarely drink anything other than energy drinks, but nevertheless a nice grip is always something useful." She shook her shoulders. "TEACH ME"
Like September 7, 2021
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would explode out of confetti and smile to the creature. With a bow, he would wave at them.* Why hello there. I deeply hope that you'll enjoy this place greatly!
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