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[Heya there strangers nice to meet you! This is...well, this account is a shot in the dark, I've been a fan of MLP (Gen 4 specifically) for a long time but I haven't roleplayed properly or interacted with the community since P2 (Ponysquare) went pineapple shaped on us years ago, so I've decided to give it another try just for the heck of it! I haven't roleplayed in ages, but I'm eager to give it another try and make some new friends along the way, so feel free to drop me a message anytime!]
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Nitroxus Soulspins Sidewinder
*Nitroxus was balancing on a big bouncy ball as he was rolling toward the pony. He stopped right in front of them and climbed down. He smiled as he passed a large gift over.* Happy Birthday to you!
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*Nitroxus spun like a top toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus bounced on some bubbles that he was blowing into the air. He landed in front of the pony and then smiled. He then passed them a large gift* Happy Birthday to you!
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"Early mornin' hot take: if you call a unicorn a 'unihorn' you wouldn't be wrong"
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Lifts up hoof and opens his mouth to rebute before thinking and lowering his hoof and shutting his mouth again.
"You guys ever just, look at your wings and go 'man, these things are cool?' Uh, you pegasi I mean. Us. Pegasi's? Pegasuses? Pegasee? Pegasine? Aw hell, what's the plural thingy for a bunch of birdy h... View More
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"Pegasi. A flock of Pegasi."
"You're talking like you've only just given thought to how our wings have manifested and taken form. It's magic, yes. We fly with magic, the same way that earth ponies can be so unbearingly strong. Or how Unicorns are able.ti utilize their inner magic in a more concrete... View More
"Huh. Yeah, 'suppose your right. Just wild to think about ain't it?" The pegasus stretched out his wings to their fullest extent, turning his head over each shoulder and marveling as the intricate network of feathers responded to his mental commands, some staying rigid while others almost impercepti... View More
October 14, 2021
Somewhere in Canterlot a light purple filly had awoken from her slumber that she was put under by StarSwirl the bearded to protect her. Violet stars is her name she is the third alicorn born princess ... View More
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"The heck you guys doin'? Work? Insomnia? Responsibilities!? I think you mighta' hit the rye a little too hard last night, lay back down and get some shuteye, you look like you could use it."
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Sidewinder simply shrugged his wings, feathers ruslting as he did so. "Hey, y'know what? If it puts food on your table, it counts, 'least in my book anyway."
October 13, 2021
"Sleep is for the weak. Nothing ever got done by someone who was asleep."
"I beg to differ, I get lots done in my sleep...'cept it doesn't count in real life, so you got me there."
October 13, 2021
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