
Are you Polish?
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"So...nate. Can i stay with you if i somehiw mess up something in equestria?"
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*bows* Hello your majesty. I would like to ask, what is your opinion on Changelings?
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She smiled "Ohhh the changelings!" she chuckled lightly "I absolutely adore them! Now imagine having one as a partner! Change to Sombra! Change to Shinning Armor! The fun and opportunities are endless!"
She grabs holy water and stands up in alert "Demons!? Where?!!!"
January 5, 2018
Would Polen consider forging an alliance with #TeamTwilight and its supreme leader #Bat'koTwilight?
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Joyful smiles sweetly “ya got any of dem bayous where ya live?”
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How many do i have to turn into scorched carcasses before you surrender?
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"Hol up lemme check!" she scrolls through an old manual "Wait found something" she pointed her hoof to a small paragraph and read out "Error 404, surrender not found"
I hope you remember this day when you watch their burning bodies cry out to you, begging you to stop the pain, i'll enjoy slowly charring layer after layer of skin until the smoke from their own burning bodies begins to choke them, "why did you let this happen" is what they'll try to cry out but all... View More
December 31, 2017
She listened to him carefully and nodded her head with each sentence. She than raised her hoof "May I ask you a question as a part of my show?"
December 31, 2017
"I'm Sure Celestia will be delighted by your actions..." she said unamusingly flicking through pages of her diary
December 31, 2017
She pulled out a bowl of sweets and a registration document "No but please feel free to register yourself here. I'll make sure to read your bio" she returned to reading her own documentation
December 31, 2017
"So are there any deer in this 'Poland'"
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