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Other. Lives in  Chaosville,  Beyond Equestria. Born on October 18, 1999
Elder God/Dream Demon
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Narrative Multi-Paragraph
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Entertainment » Fictional Character
43 Members
Ponysquare Refugees
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The Aokoi Hive
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everfree forest
29 Members
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus climbed out of a green pipe that was in the ground. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus slid down a rope from his hot air balloon. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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I return to hell for a couple of months and I get lots of boops? When will the madness end?
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Bright Brave
Never for you demon.
Like August 16, 2019
Will see about that mortal.
Like August 16, 2019
Bright Brave
Dont believe what the other demons say, they always lie.
Like August 16, 2019
Fable Daydreams
"Your friendship is a special gift. Generously given, happily accepted, and deeply appreciated!" I’m thankful to have friends like you all, a simple boop, like, comment, tag “Hey” never goes unnoticed... View More
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus walked over in a large suit of red armor to the creature. He was careful how he smiled to them. He then passed a large gift to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Like October 25, 2018
Like October 25, 2018
*You see red boils rip out of his skin he has changed.
Like October 25, 2018
Nitroxus Soulspins
*He steps back.* Okay...
Like October 25, 2018
Fable Daydreams
"It’s okay to be scared. Being scared means you’re about to do something really, really brave.” -Mandy Hale -This quote is for one of my favorite spooky CA users
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus was burrowing in the ground like a mole until he hit a rock. He soon breached the surface and coughed as he rubbed his head* Ouchie.
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Nitroxus Soulspins
I don't want to be attacked. //Thanks
Like April 6, 2018
Aww but I'm starving!
Like April 6, 2018
Nitroxus Soulspins
Like April 6, 2018
I haven't eatin in over 3,000 years.
Like April 6, 2018
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus was walking a field of grass when he got the strangest feeling of dread and fear. Something that he rarely felt. He looked around and didn't see much that could scare him like this. He soon ... View More
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Like March 15, 2018
Nitroxus Soulspins
Okay, ouch.
Like March 15, 2018
it´s what I´m here for.
Like March 15, 2018
Nitroxus Soulspins
Well, you are not getting me.
Like March 15, 2018
Dr. Reiner
"Welcome to here, friend. For when we are bonded by friendship then we become immortal! It is good to see that I am not the only strange one here! Refreshing to see a similar face actually." Said the ... View More
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Dr. Reiner
"Sorry. I cannot do that as in group they are more than just small beings. They have warriors who fight things and they are the only way I can get out of these slave chains. If I killed them then no one would come for me in the end. So a war on them would be a war on me, my friend." He said, confide... View More
Like December 21, 2017
*the air around you gets colder and the creatures features begin to get more disturbing* If you help me I can guarantee your freedom or do you just like to watch me suffer? Why do you care so much for them? help me I will grant you anything you desire *the creature crawls forward and the bones in it... View More
Like December 21, 2017
Dr. Reiner
He would have laughed at his attempt at being frightening. "Trust me, friend. If you scared me then I wouldn't have approached you at all. Grant me what I desire?" He laughed again. "I do not know who you are but I have everything I needed to form my own path. Frankly, I don't care about them but if... View More
Like December 21, 2017
*Rage is starting to boil with in him* *but smiles to his response* *now is speaking in a child's voice* Oh I'm many things and go by many names but I've been held in the darkness for ten thousand years with nothing but my hate to keep me company *then he closes his eyes and tilts his head and all o... View More
Like December 21, 2017
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