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Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
She had so many questions she wanted to ask! But...She decided to ask the most important one first...
"Ya want a cupcake?"
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Brianna Orientalis
Brianna smiled at Aki, her wings buzzing like there was no tomorrow. “I love you.”
July 19, 2018

Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
She grinned, nuzzling her, "Aaawww...Wait..." She looked at her, "Hmmmm...Why do you love me? What is it about me?"
July 19, 2018

Brianna Orientalis
The changeling smiled again. “I love your laugh. I love your smile. I love your eyes. Everything, really.” She paused, suddenly looking nervous. “...Do you feel the same way? I-it’s okay if you don’t.”
July 19, 2018

Kitsunegami Eiko Aki
"Well, I've...Never fallen in love with a Changeling. But, I mean...It would be kinda neat to play with you some more! See, since I'm...10,000 years old...I don't...Frequent partners...Plus, who would like me?" She giggled, smiling down at her.
July 19, 2018
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