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Littchie Von Bleed
"wow your queen must have sucked for you to leave them.....may i ask what was the breaking point for you that caused you to leave the life you knew?"
1 person liked this.

Brianna Orientalis
"It was the 'reformation' of the hive. After all of the changelings learned that Chrysalis was basically starving all of us so she could remain in power, many of us changelings didn't become reformed and teleported away before Thorax gave his stupid little speech. Chrysalis was too weak to protect h... View More
April 21, 2018

Littchie Von Bleed
"ewww.....i understand if it was my hive i would had fled......cant afford to be both small and colourful....makes it wayyyyy to easy to squash my tiny butt" she said with a chuckle slowly walking around the changling.
April 21, 2018
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