Equestria has stood as a beacon of Harmony and Co-existence since the beginning of celestia’s reign as its sovereign but soon that harmony would be fractured when a portal was opened revealing the strange world known as “Earth” ruled by a species known as “Humans.” for Humanity the year was 2018, humanity was consisting of more than a 100 countries. However the uneasy peace of humanity is shattered as terror rages in the middle east and a controversial election allowing Septimus Grey to become 45th president of the united states. But what scared the ponies was that humanity had practitioners of the arcane arts.for some this was a breath of fresh air...however for celestia there was concern...humanity were mixing magic and technology together...and this concern was consuming her. The only way to get humanity to be friendly was to integrate them into pony life.
Thus the conversion bureaus were born as ponies and griffins began to migrate into earth.
Both were faced by both the right wing populists and the left wing collectivists of the earth. However a new power was forming in the east. A Darwinist Meritocracy known as “The Voxel Dominion” would prove to be Celestia’s worse nightmare made material. The mysterious lord administrator, a warlock named Hector Mordecai Harken spread an idealogy of humanity being the spearhead of a empire of the best and brightest the galaxy has to offer. Humanity planned to spread this idealogy on equestria. Many ponies were already getting political such as Stalliongrads new collectivist union or Germane’s new Reich under Aryanne. Celestia fearing the dominion’s idealogy declares war on the Voxel Dominion.
In the west anti ponification groups hire the mercenary company known as HOG Inc to combat both dominion takeover and Celestian occupation.
1 war and two worlds...who will live who will fall.
this is a crossover of my series "Story mode" and the MLP Fanfic "Conversion Bureau" there are several factions to side with, inspired by HOI4 mod equestria at War.
The Voxel Dominion: A Pro Darwinist Meritocractic Organization who wishes to unify humanity under their order. they also plan to vassalize equus under their empire and force their idealogy on the world. they are lead by a junta known as the Syndicate which is overseen by a warlock called Hector Harken.
HOG INC: A Mercenary Company operating In the USA, Japan, Canada and Mexico. they are hired by several anti-ponification and conservative movements to fight off equestria and defeat the voxel dominion. Lead By a ranger named Seth Arryn
Equestrian Alliance: an alliance of empires of the equus of harmony and tolerance, Equestria stands against many foes, including the Germane Reich and Stalliongrad. its ruled by Luna and Celestia. its allies include the crystal empire and Olenia.
Stalliongrad: the Communist Union of Northwest Equestria distancing themselves from the royalists. ruled by general secretary Altidiya.
Germane Reich: the right wing fascists off the coast of mareland wishing to spread their idealogy of an alicorn and unicorn master race. ruled by Aryanne Hoofler.
Join a faction, pick a side. who do you stand with.
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