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Candied Death Art corner
on November 10, 2018
I just realized I made a minor mistake and just barely fixed it today.
Dimension: 591 x 855
File Size: 49.91 Kb
5 people like this.
Desert Thorn
Looks good ^^ Mind if I offer some constructive feedback?
Like November 10, 2018
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//I'll take any given to me
Like November 10, 2018
Desert Thorn
//Awesome! =3 Alright so... first off, the suit looks off because it's drawn directly onto the pony as it was more than skin tight. When you draw clothing, try to imagine how it would fall and rest on the pony/person wearing it ^^ Use references if you need. Draw the sleeves wider than the hoof, an... View More
Like November 10, 2018
//it's good to know but yeah I'm still not great at drawing the tail purely digitally and clothing I normally do make it loose but it was real late when I had done this and clothes aren't a thing I normally a thing I draw also I was originally planning to draw the superhero costume or one themed aft... View More
Like November 10, 2018
You take requests/commisions?
Like November 10, 2018
//yeah I do requests I'm not that great but I do them.
Like November 10, 2018