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Dream Vezpyre
on February 9, 2020
Dream rushed over to Flam with a photo in mouthhold, looking up to him to let them see it much better "Have you seen my mommy??" it'd read over the photo as the little filly would look up at them with those watery eyes
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Flam read the picture, and because the horse was so smol it was easy to mistake dream for a foal. "No i havent..." he started, looking back and forth for abby. "Where did you last see her?"
Like February 9, 2020 Edited
Dream Vezpyre
Dream sniffles as she heard he hadn't seen her. Those eyes look like they just about to burst right there after that! Not good. She then scribble up a note right quick before passing it on, "I seen her at home just four days ago. I think she headed out to work, but she never showed back up since. It... View More
Like February 10, 2020 Edited
Flam thought about it. He had to help this small horse! (Plus if it did work, more ponies may go to his stores) "where does she work?" Flam asked dream
Like February 9, 2020
Bright Brave
Like February 9, 2020
"Thats not your mommy, thats MY mommy"
Like February 9, 2020
Dream Vezpyre
Oh? Dream didn't know she had another step brother. He drags him along the search party
Like February 9, 2020
Angel Wingate heart
offering to adopt the little filly
Like February 10, 2020
Angel Wingate heart
putting a blanket over the filly looking pretty cold
Like February 10, 2020
Dream Vezpyre
Dream appreciates the offer, but kindly declines. Mutely.
Like February 10, 2020