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Dream Vezpyre
on April 18, 2020
Me and in the shop rn
Dimension: 900 x 675
File Size: 126.94 Kb
7 people like this.
Like April 18, 2020
Captain Sky N Nova
I get the how, its the why I'm struggling with.
Like April 18, 2020
Bruh I hope they mirrored it on the other side because if it's just normal on the other side then all they've done is Bubba'd a shitbox into a scuffed Hyundai Veloster lmfao.
Like April 18, 2020
Darren Cuffs
Put in ballistic panels and this might be viable...
Like April 18, 2020 Edited
Prince Hawk Zephyrus
If the hinges holds up, looks pretty good, I can only imagine if someone would try to open a front door lol
Like April 18, 2020
Okay, now imagine that you're in a parking garage and a car parks either side of you.
Like April 19, 2020
Bright Brave
Nice mod
Like April 18, 2020