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Prince Hawk Zephyrus

Male. Lives in Everywhere,  Beyond Equestria. Born on February 15, 1988
Pterippus, fregata, peregrinus, draco tempestas
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Warnings: Bit of safety, seriously chaps, if you touch my tendrils you will be dead before you hit the floor, there is that much voltage and current there, you will probably just explode, your hooves or claws where the path of current goes will rupture, and there will be bits and pieces of you everywhere, so rather no nasty surprises don't touch my tendrils unless I allow you.
Safety tips: Make sure you don't provoke me, otherwise it will hurt, don't throw anything at me and don't spit anything... View More
Roleplay Type
User Achievements
Company, Organization, or Institution » Computers/Technology
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
Entertainment » Fictional Character
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
Artist, Band or Public Figure
history book RP
3 Members
pony Lake Air Force base
26 Members
the rifle coffee shop
24 Members
New World, Equestria
10 Members
7 Members
The Castle
176 Members
Turnip Lounge
78 Members
Into the 80s
31 Members
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus spun his tail like it was a propeller and floated over the being. He landed on the ground by the being with a smile. He soon passed them a large gift.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus floated down from his wing suit and landed on the ground near the being. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus rode on a magical flying paintbrush that was making a trail of rainbow paint. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus bounced in his hot air balloon as he flew over the valley to find the creature he was told about that lived out here. He just been looking around for this creature to talk with.* Where are t... View More
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Prince Hawk Zephyrus
The dragon sits down by the castle of Canterlot before looking around, whilst on the guard duty, as his secondary job in Equestria "This evening is so calm and cool" Zephyrus said calmly.
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Cinnamon tilts her head as she spots the dragon that send her a request.
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Prince Hawk Zephyrus
The dragon smiles warmly and waves at Cinnamon, seeming calm and neutral to Equestrian citizens
Like February 16, 2020
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Cinnamon would look up nervously, she really had no reason to since she's a bunny pony and not a full bunny but waves her hoof eitherway!
Like February 16, 2020
Prince Hawk Zephyrus
Zephyrus smiles warmly and places down on the ground a basked full of carrots before retreating backward, to give Cinnamon some space.
Like February 16, 2020
She jumps up excited as she sees the basket of carrots, gosh.. she loves carrots.. there's no better offer than that. "Yum!!" she scoots over to the basket to take out one of the carrots and eats it happily. Those big bunny ears listening carefully to the surroundings!
Like February 16, 2020
Jessabelle Kiernan
Ok so, I know its Galentines day, but I wanna acknowledge all my new friends and thank them for being there and putting a smile on my face ^^
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Prince Hawk Zephyrus
Merry Christmas everyone, I hope all of you are having a blast, and to those who already had Christmas, I hope you will have a wonderful and happy new year
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Bright Brave
You too Hawk guy
Like December 25, 2019
Prince Hawk Zephyrus
Thank you
Like December 25, 2019
Prince Hawk Zephyrus
While I was working today, I had a feeling that discord might break again, and I was right, I come back home to see that Discord is indeed down.
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Bright Brave
Like December 8, 2019
Prince Hawk Zephyrus
It has been a while since it happened but yet again, Discord is having potato issues, so how's everyone's day has been?
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Commander Wyatt Ryder
Very... mixed
Like December 7, 2019
Prince Hawk Zephyrus
Have a drink buddy
Like December 7, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
Probably will xD
Like December 7, 2019
Chiller Sway
I have 4 RP to respond to :(
Like December 7, 2019
Prince Hawk Zephyrus
Then go on buddy respond to the Role Plays
Like December 7, 2019
Big ol' thumbs up.
Like December 7, 2019
Solar Blaze
First it was sad because I‘ve seen the last Episode of MLP but then I was happy again because my Favorite Football Team won
Like December 7, 2019
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