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Cally Ber
on May 4, 2020
With the influx of cop horses recently, I have an idea.
Dimension: 637 x 358
File Size: 23.01 Kb
3 people like this.
Amity Guard
Harmony Six: Siege
Like May 4, 2020
*shaves head and picks up taser shield to become the most controversial op to date* Is it time to yell tosser already?
Like May 4, 2020
I can imagine most people are just gonna think Siege whole I actually read all the Clancy Books. Which means I know just as much as the people who are just thinking Siege an no more than that.
Like May 4, 2020
Darren Cuffs
I agree. I request that Darren is Warden.
Like May 4, 2020
Ultimately useless but is worth the style points if he ever gets end of match cam?
Like May 4, 2020 Edited
Darren Cuffs
*cries in Warden Main*
Like May 5, 2020
Good time to rub it in. *whispers into ear* You're only seeing play because of the Ying buff
Like May 5, 2020