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Bright Brave
on May 7, 2020
Quick armor guide for all you cuties.
Dimension: 600 x 365
File Size: 76.35 Kb
3 people like this.
Chiller Sway
Alternatively I can use my snoot <3
Like May 7, 2020 Edited
Bright Brave
I bet level II blocks snoot
Like May 7, 2020
Chiller Sway
Block bullets with strong bapper <3
Like May 7, 2020
T Kid
I want boops qwq
Like May 8, 2020
Darren Cuffs
Hey. Spartan Armor Systems! That's what I use!
Like May 7, 2020
Bright Brave
Like May 7, 2020
Like May 7, 2020
Ice Wisp
Is this what the kids call tacticool?
Like May 7, 2020
Bright Brave
Yes. Very. But you have to carry the plates somehow.
Like May 8, 2020
Ice Wisp
Dinner plates? Use your arms dummy.
Like May 8, 2020
Bright Brave
You can't carry plates and a gun at the same time silly
Like May 8, 2020