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Cally Ber
on July 12, 2020
Dimension: 640 x 666
File Size: 175.4 Kb
10 people like this.
Boulder Dash
I wonder if we have any new blood Bronies on the site who are seeing some of this stuff and think "Who the HELL is this new guy?"
Like July 12, 2020
Vy Thresh
Mm, curious indeed. It seems I've a story to uncover.
Like July 13, 2020
I'm glad... I'm glad Ibrony died.
Like July 12, 2020
Boulder Dash
Believe it or not, so am I. I've seen sites that I loved that kept on living, but became so much worse than what it once was. iBrony died at the precise time it needed to die.
Like July 12, 2020
Ice Wisp
I knee iBrony existed but I never joined. Heeeh
Like July 12, 2020
I'm glad i didn't join heard some horrible stuff about it
Like July 12, 2020
Boulder Dash
Depends on who you asked and what about. There was good and there was bad. Anybody who thinks any site is perfect hasn't taken off the rose-tinted glasses to see the red flags.
Like July 12, 2020