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Lord Amadeus Ridgewell II
on April 9, 2021
Dimension: 1200 x 1552
File Size: 1.92 Mb
5 people like this.
Bright Brave
“Awww YEAH!!! It’s battle time boys!!!”
Like April 9, 2021
Polo Fastter
polo reads the note twice and said "ridgewood, why does that sound so familiar". polo started walking to the estate as he move his hoof and look at a watch then thinks 'hopefully it's not him'.
Like April 9, 2021 Edited
Icy Creation
Looking at the note she tilted her head. "A vampire? Don't they suck blood?" She thought a minute, before taking off. After all, what's a vampire to somepony without biological blood to drain?
Like April 9, 2021
The ghostling would tense up at the note.... almost out of fear as he would slowly have a Ptsd Flashback of him almost not being able to turn his Mother back to "Normal" As he always feared up happened if he did made that mistake... The ling would soon start to prep himself by hopping home and putt... View More
Like April 9, 2021