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Icy Creation
on February 24, 2024
Anthro Icy art by Valora, from being a guinea pig. I saved it as soon as they posted it, but I wanted to wait to post it and get it in my own profiles gallery until it wouldn't be a double post. I have no idea if Val takes commissions, but if they do, do that. Pay them.
I like the idea that this is Icy trying to get closer to her 'darker side' to connect with her species and bring out more magic for her Cores. But also she looks good in black and I should have thought of it before, it's an obvious contrast, so it might be my go to from now on whenever she dresses up or is an anthro. Maybe like a black with flames at the edges theme for her clothing? (Edit: Though after looking at it again on PT I do still really like her red and flame-gradiented dress.)
Dimension: 1024 x 918
File Size: 77.8 Kb
6 people like this.
I’ve definitely been considering on doing commissions. Probably $5 or $7 roughly, I don’t really have the confidence that my art is good enough to charge others, I do however feel greatly pleased from getting the likes and compliments. I have a hard time telling how much I’ve improved sometimes so ... View More
Like February 24, 2024 Edited
"$5 or $7" my brother in celestia you are underselling yourself, you deserve minimum wage at least for these
Like February 25, 2024
Really beautiful artwork quite ice cold no pun intended
Like December 12, 2024