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Item #: SCP-XXXX also known as "The Observer"Object Class: EuclidSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be contained within a standard humanoid containment chamber equipped with low-level lighting. The chamber is to be monitored at all times via closed-circuit surveillance. Personnel entering SCP-XXXX's containment chamber must wear opaque goggles to prevent direct eye contact. Interaction with SCP-XXXX is limited to approved research personnel only.Description: SCP-XXXX is a humanoid entity measuring approximately 1.8 meters in height. Its body is covered in a dark, shadowy substance that seems to absorb light. SCP-XXXX's most notable feature is its eyes, which emit a faint, eerie glow even in complete darkness. These eyes have been observed to "star" into individuals, causing an overwhelming sense of dread and paranoia.When a subject makes direct eye contact with SCP-XXXX, they experience a sudden onset of social phobia, manifesting as extreme anxiety and fear of judgment from others. This effect intensifies over time, leading to paranoia and isolationist behavior. Subjects affected by SCP-XXXX often report feeling as though they are being watched by numerous unseen observers, exacerbating their social anxiety.SCP-XXXX was discovered following a series of reports from a small rural community in [REDACTED], where residents began experiencing inexplicable bouts of social anxiety and paranoia. Local authorities initially attributed the phenomenon to a collective hysteria or mass psychogenic illness.However, Foundation operatives embedded within local law enforcement agencies noted a pattern of unusual behavior among affected individuals, including reports of "staring eyes" seen in the darkness. These reports led the Foundation to investigate further, eventually uncovering SCP-XXXX's presence within the community.Upon containment, interviews with affected individuals revealed a consistent pattern of encounters with SCP-XXXX, often occurring in secluded areas during the night. Witness testimonies described feelings of being watched and judged by unseen entities, correlating with SCP-XXXX's anomalous effects.The community was administered amnestics to erase memories of the anomalous events, and SCP-XXXX was relocated to Foundation containment for further study and containment.Test Log:Test XXXX-1Subject: D-8912, male, age 32Procedure: Subject instructed to make direct eye contact with SCP-XXXX for 30 seconds.Results:Subject immediately exhibited signs of distress, fidgeting and sweating profusely. After 15 seconds, subject began to mutter about feeling "eyes everywhere" and begged for the test to end. Subject refused to make further eye contact with SCP-XXXX.Test XXXX-2Subject: D-7465, female, age 25Procedure: Subject exposed to SCP-XXXX for 5 minutes without protective goggles.Results: Subject initially appeared calm but gradually became agitated, repeatedly glancing around the room and clutching at her own clothing. Subject refused to acknowledge the presence of research personnel and attempted to hide in a corner of the chamber. Subject was removed from the chamber and reported experiencing intense paranoia for several days afterward.Test XXXX-3Subject: D-6102, male, age 28Procedure: Subject exposed to SCP-XXXX for 10 minutes while wearing opaque goggles.Results: Subject reported feeling a sense of unease but did not exhibit the same level of distress as previous test subjects. Subject's vital signs remained stable throughout the duration of the test. Post-test debriefing revealed no lasting psychological effects.Conclusion: SCP-XXXX's anomalous effects appear to be mitigated by preventing direct eye contact. Further research is warranted to determine the full extent of SCP-XXXX's abilities and any potential applications for containment or neutralization.
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5 people like this.

Bryce (Awesome) Shades
//Oh another wonderful tale of your personal scp entries, always a joy to read especially when I find them rather enjoyable and actually working rather well as an scp itself, this is such a simple yet amazing concept, the idea of making direct eye contact begins it's effects while not inherently dan... View More
February 28, 2024

Haha yes, it combines my biggest fears: being watched by an unknown entity, being silently judged and glowing, piercing eyes in the dark x3
February 28, 2024

Bryce (Awesome) Shades
It's a reasonable fear heh honestly it's a good one for messing with people so bad cause no one's likes being judged so this would make people go crazy fast, honestly all those are pretty bad so again this one is not physically dangerous to people but emotionally and phycology it's horrible haha, a... View More
February 28, 2024

I know right? Also, he just wants to watch you sleep and make sure you're safe.. while silently judging you c:
February 28, 2024

Nitroxus Soulspins
//Laly, this is such a good SCP entry. This is amazing concept. Are you planning to make any entries into the Foundation itself?
February 29, 2024

Nitroxus Soulspins
Umm. a real novel.
March 2, 2024

Ohhh! That would be fun, yes.
March 3, 2024

Nitroxus Soulspins
Epic! Yes.
March 3, 2024