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on June 10, 2024
"Don't worry, I'll try to hold back some. Try to make it entertaining for me."
You're not really sure why, but you somehow ended up in a sparring match against this mare. Try not to die so fast. #rp
Dimension: 929 x 1002
File Size: 418.57 Kb
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Amity Guard
Amity puts on some sunglasses. "She went further beyond."
Like June 11, 2024
Tality's eyes widened at Valora's aura, and she whistled, impressed. "This might actually wake me up a little bit." The space pony stood up on two legs and limbered, her bones popping and cracking as they returned to their normal configuration after spending a few years as a full quadruped. "Ahh ..... View More
Like June 11, 2024
“I’ve been out of practice for a few good years. My master would kill me if he knew. Nonetheless, thanks for the opportunity to shave off some rust.” She took her own stance, a bit in the lower side but strong. The aura surrounding her seemed to have calmed and faded, Val was debating what her fir... View More
Like June 11, 2024
Ooh. An aerial assault's a good plan when you've got wings. Tality's domain is the ground, and she's always taken a lot of perverse pride in that. She grips a clod of dirt in her right rear hoof with her earth magic, ready to sling it at Valora to throw her off at the last second when she comes in t... View More
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Serendibite destroys Val after doing the neutral-special-up-attack-up-special-neutral-air-down-special combo
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Val has perished. Never fight Nintendo people.
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Silver Shield
Silver sits down, and looks at her with one raised eyebrow. "I'm afraid I am a rather boring fellow. As proof, I have never enjoyed fighting. However, I am honored that you consider me worth testing yourself against."
Like June 11, 2024