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*In front of you was a Zebra. Not just any normal Zebra. A Zebra from Monochrome Falls. This was Bugger Scruggs, and he was your contact to this city. He wanted your help with his recent smuggling campaign of colors. You see, Bugger was a dealer for colors for Monochrome Falls. The colors didn't last long in this area, so you really had to sell all of your stocks fast, or store them off site far from the lands' effects.*
Kay Buddy, I need for you carry this crate of purple into the town. Try to sell to the old mares or rich folks. Remember, the colors won't stay good for too long. They have at least a solid 3 day shelf life. Only open the crate when you're going to make a deal. Don't let them touch it either, until you got the moolah. Make sure you check the moolah before you accept it fully. You don't want to take wooden money, my last guy did. The townsfolks are still crafty, even without colors.
*He would pass you the crate.* Remember, don't stay out after dark and only spend 1 night out there. Even your colors can be stolen by the Falls' effects. Just look at yours's truly. *He would flex his muscles. You could tell this was a joke for him, since you knew he was born there and not some tourist making a quick buck.*
*Now, would you accept this job, or convince Bugger for a different job.* #rp
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Spinneret nodded. "Understood, B-slur. Though I think white eyes would look good on me." She chuckled, looking at the crate. "So what, am I meant to set up a little lemonade stand, or go door-to-door like a Foal Scout?"
August 26, 2024

"Eh, a little. Just feelin kinda down." Sprout shrugged.
September 20, 2024

Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apoc...
Do you wish to talk about it?
September 20, 2024

"...sure, why not?"
September 20, 2024

Polo Fastter
"You know that I don't loose color here oddly enough thought, old magic is just that. Now why would I sell something here?"
September 3, 2024

Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apoc...
Swell, see ya later. Don't do anything too insane.
September 12, 2024

Polo Fastter
He heads out of the town.
September 12, 2024

Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apoc...
*The Traveler would leave from this adventure, with no loss on their own travels. Now moving forward, where would they find themselves next, Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse?*
//The End.
September 13, 2024