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Zah's Commissions and Art Gallery
A little gift for Rigor for not only being so patient with me getting her commission done but also for being just really nice to me during my kinda shitty time... I hope you like it!
Dimension: 796 x 976
File Size: 351.76 Kb
20 people like this.
Raven Sorrel
Like January 14, 2018
Eric Cartman
//Thank you so much~! What can I do to return the favor? I absolutely love this
Like January 14, 2018
Eric Cartman
//can I use this with crediting you for profile picture ETC. ?
Like January 14, 2018 Edited
Raven Sorrel
Yes of course! All yours to do with as you please!
Like January 15, 2018
Eric Cartman
;-; *cries*
Like January 15, 2018
Snow Storm
Like January 15, 2018
Kitty Cat
Like January 15, 2018