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Ambient Waves
February 17, 2018
8 votes 100 views
1 person liked this.
Desert Thorn
I don't play them that often but I tend to fill in so I play support. I like playing Mid though (<3 Anivia). Honestly I suck at LoL (I think I'm level 10?), the times I want to play it are rare and when it happens my friend who's good is busy. I'm too afraid to solo queue ;~; Someone carry me <3 On... View More
Like February 17, 2018 Edited
Deactive user
Neato, I don't do solo queue either for league just bots or aram if don't got duo partner. Don't play overwatch thou.
Like February 17, 2018
Daddy Cambia
Like February 17, 2018