I don't know a ton about them yet but I'm slowly researching them. I think in a few years I'm gonna get one.
Obviously there are way more types of snakes, these are just breeds that I hear about/see the most.
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I've had two ball pythons and an albino corn snake,, the ball-pythons were super sweet and while they do require significant care, but that's just reptiles for you
some of them are cuddly and it's wonderful c: the corn snake was a little nervous around people, but he never bit me. they were all ver... View More
they're noodle babies and I adore every single one of them!! weird movements n different amount of legs scare human people a lot of the time, and a lot of snakes are dangerous if you anger them, so the biological fear makes sense. but they're wonderful,, snakes in sweaters/hats is the cutest thing (... View More