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night shade
November 1, 2018
638 views 10 plays
are you compatible with crimson rose? take this quiz to find out and if you reckon that you got a high enough score then why not take your chances and try and win her over, she wont bite.
how did she get her cutie mark?
how many siblings does crimson rose have?
what is her favourite food?
what would crimson rose do if you were with her and something scared her?
what would she call you if you were her special somepony?
she is waiting arranging flowers in her shop do you?
what would you do if another stallion or mare tried to take her from you?
where would you take her on your date
what would you do if she got hurt?
what would crimson rose do if she was angry at you?
2 people like this.
Script Anonymous Cone Lord Lord of all Cones
Eh not as well but not bad
Like November 1, 2018
night shade
you did alright, tell me did you notice any errors?
Like November 1, 2018
Script Anonymous Cone Lord Lord of all Cones
Not really honestly you did pretty good
Like November 1, 2018
night shade
i dont think you can edit quizzes can you
Like November 1, 2018
Script Anonymous Cone Lord Lord of all Cones
You can press the cog WEEL in the corner
Like November 1, 2018
night shade
yeah.... that doesn't do much
Like November 1, 2018
Script Anonymous Cone Lord Lord of all Cones
Should say edit
Like November 1, 2018
man i got 40% still need a little time t get to know her...
Like November 1, 2018
Desert Thorn
Huh... better than I thought I'd do ^^
Like November 1, 2018
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night shade
did the quiz, but is your oc straight or bi
Like November 5, 2018
Desert Thorn
She's mostly straight tbh, but she's also curious? So... bi with a preference I guess?
Like November 5, 2018
night shade
thats cool, well i have two ocs that are single, both are bi though one of them leans more towards stallions
Like November 5, 2018