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Black Ace

Male. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria.
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Dead beat father of Jourum Akazegaza (adopted)
Roleplay Universe
crossover i guess
Roleplay Type
User Achievements
Company, Organization, or Institution » Cause
Entertainment » Fictional Character
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
Entertainment » Professional Sports Team
Company, Organization, or Institution » Computers/Technology
Local Business or Place » Church/Religious Organization
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Black Ace
At this time in the dead of night, Ace would be sitting at the train station in Baltimare, waiting for a train to come pick him up and take him to San Franciscolt. He had been running around all over,... View More
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Black Ace
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Black Ace
///Open Rp. May be a bit dark and graphic.\\\ It was a late night ordeal. Ace had plans to commit a big mission. A big score, just for shits and giggles. He was planning on robbing the royal treasury... View More
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Black Ace
Ace would stare at you for a while before finally asking, "Do you think I'm crazy?"
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
I mean... I've met crazier.
Like March 29, 2023
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Black Ace
"Hmm...I need to try harder."
Like March 29, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*Points to Smg4* Try to be crazier than him then.
Like March 30, 2023
Black Ace
"......Time to burn down a few hospitals. I'll be back~" Ace turns to leave.
Like March 30, 2023
Princess Starwatcher
not really, I've met worst
Like March 29, 2023
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Black Ace
"Damn...I gotta do better. "
Like March 29, 2023
Princess Starwatcher
please don't you don't wanna be worse trust me
Like March 29, 2023 Edited
Black Ace
"I'll report my progress. See you soon~" Ace turns and leaves.
Like March 30, 2023
Light Show
"Mate you're a sociopath who thinks causing death and suffering is fun." A pause, "Yeah, a little bit, but if you were a /real/ psycho you wouldn't be nearly as dangerous, ay? You're not as crazy as you think, the real crazies are far less dangerous and /far/ less predictable, but you're definitely ... View More
Like March 29, 2023 Edited
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Black Ace
"So it's a skill issue? I should try harder?....Ok. I can do that. Gotta pace myself though...Wanna burn down a fire rescue facility with me?" He asks with a childish, yet demented grin.
Like March 29, 2023 Edited
Light Show
He laughs, "I would love to, but I've got an image, ay? What would my contractors think if I started causing chaos /off/ the clock? Its not for the money, it's for the chaos, but I can't /cause/ chaos without resources, and if I descend to the level of some... Common corner store /maniac/, no one's ... View More
Like March 29, 2023
Black Ace
"I already have plenty of ins with black market folks...But thank you for the bits! I'll turn them into knives and clip a few wings with them~" Ace turns and leaves to go cause some chaos and terrorize some creatures.
Like March 29, 2023
Trip Wire
“You give a sort of ‘my mom didn’t hold me enough so now I seek attention in any way I can’ kind of vibe… Yeah, you definitely have some developmental issues.”
Like March 30, 2023
Black Ace
"........So what you're saying is I need to do better....Ok. Ok. I'll see what I can do. Thank you for your input. Please accept my token of appreciation." Ace smiles and holds a wrapped up box to Trip.
Like March 30, 2023
Black Ace
Ace knows what you did last summer. He is very disappointed in you.
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Um I only spent part of my summer between two buildings walk back and forth between my aunt and uncle and I had to cross the train tracks to get to either side
Like March 26, 2023 Edited
Black Ace
So very disappointed.
Like March 26, 2023
Hey I help my aunt with her birds and cat though I did learn some cooking skills
Like March 26, 2023
Black Ace
Ace is now proud that you learned how to cook. Now you shall apply those culinary skills to the cat.
Like March 26, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
...All I did last summer was defend the Zariman.
Like March 26, 2023
Black Ace
Should've killed them
Like March 26, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Oh I did more than kill the grineer and corpus. I tore them to shreds.
Like March 26, 2023
Black Ace
This precious psycho has created his own hot sauce. He has blended together a bit of water, oil, 6 habaneros, 8 jalapenos, 5 Carolina reapers, a pinch of sugar, cayenne pepper, and 3 red chilis. Who w... View More
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Icy Creation
Icy will /buy/ it for sixty bits The crazy half-spirit that eats her food with manticore venom thinks it sounds delicious.
Like March 24, 2023
Black Ace
Sold! Because why not?
Like March 24, 2023
Icy Creation
She will in fact either become a repeat customer or make her own. Much better than manticore venom, and so much easier to obtain.
Like March 24, 2023
Black Ace
Both are fine with him. ^^
Like March 25, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Eh. I'm crazy to try it. What do I got to lose if I'm made of ink.
Like March 25, 2023
Black Ace
Ace has just gotten his hooves on an actual DeathNote. The world is no longer safe.
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Like you'd use it on me. How on earth could you make me die?
Like March 21, 2023
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By removing your plot armor
Like March 21, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
...I mean you could just dunk me in water. Did you forget i'm made of ink
Like March 21, 2023 Edited
But if I had said that you’d come up with some convoluted way of it not working
Like March 21, 2023
Black Ace
Anyone wanna rp with this little dude?
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I would rp with you
Like February 19, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
I'm down!
Like February 19, 2023
Black Ace
"I have learned a new torture method that I will use the next time I kidnap somepony. I shall lock them in a dark room for 8 hours after I feed them Peyote ~" the pegasus says with a crazed smile as t... View More
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Princess Starwatcher
wow your such an amateur..dissapointing
Like March 31, 2023
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Black Ace
"Its simple. But peyote in the dark can be a hellish experience for some! It just depends on the pony. I'm gonna try it and build on it. Maybe I can figure out a way to make my own genetically modified form of peyote~ I need a test subject. "
Like March 31, 2023
Princess Starwatcher
why not just send them to purgatory?
Like March 31, 2023
Black Ace
"Purgatory?.....You mean a Gulag?....That's a good idea. give a bunch of creatures peyote and make them fight to the death! Genius!" Ace grins
Like March 31, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
(A... bit three months late but what da heck.) Wait... what's Peyote...?
Like March 31, 2023
Black Ace
Ok..PM are a bit janky on mobile when it comes to scrolling it seems..
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Little Leaf
PMs on mobile are COMPACT too much so :c
Like January 8, 2023
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