Sea Logma I guess
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velvet estelle blood velvet (smol ling filly} Blaizy Shipwreck
please come back im sorry
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can we talk i miss you im sor4ry please? it was wrong of me..... i do feel bad.............. and even cryed..
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A snarling from the nearby shadows suddenly arises as you approach. Amber eyes glow brightly. Something else shone, something purple. The creature's long green tail flicks as it turns to you. Its claw... View More
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Whispers seems to comes from the gem. The creature looks down and looks up, smiling. It gets out of a defensive position and the gem releases a smoke being at Bright.
January 30, 2020
"Nice try." The big war horse's eyes glowed green, purple flames whisping from the edges. The earth pony had learned how to cancel magic, through the hate and fear in his own heart, and the others around him. The smoke being disintegrating as a clear path opened in the air toward the dumb beast.
January 30, 2020
The creature looks shocked. It backs up as it seems to ponder. It looks up once more and smirks as dark purple smoke wraps around itself. The smoke disappears and reveals its hair turned red with a little white tuft remaining and its silver claws turned to a pale yellow-white. The creature is confus... View More
January 30, 2020
Maybe it wasn't stupid. Bright held his weapon ready. "Can you speak?!?!" He shouted at the freak.
January 30, 2020
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are you my momma?"
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Sea Logma I guess