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Celestia is sitting on top of a hill, after just having had risen the sun for the day. She’s staring up at the sky, looking a little bit sad. Being thousands of years old and losing so many friends ha... View More
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LOONAMARK: ah... pain, it pangs against your chest as you sorrow sadness... I've been through it many times... we all have.
15 hours ago

Princess Celestia
Celestia sighs. “Indeed…”
14 hours ago

Princess FlurryHeart
"Even the brightest sun has its cloudy days… but your light still reaches so many auntie celestia" :3
14 hours ago

Princess Celestia
Celestia wraps a wing around her grand-niece and gives her a tight hug!
14 hours ago

Malice Allismine
"And to think no one has come to destroy you by now when you are just sitting here." Malice shook the earth around them as he sat on his butt kinda like how a gorilla would. His unique shape made him look almost otherworldly.
"I would like you to explain why you should be trapped in a blood prison... View More
14 hours ago

Princess Celestia
Celestia’s eyes widen a bit as the ground shakes a bit. Celly is a big mare, bigger than most ponies, but Malice is… big. She slowly turns her head to peek up at him, taking in the sight of his unique appearance.
“A blood prison,” she echoes. “And what exactly would you be imprisoning me for?”
13 hours ago

Malice Allismine
Malice thought for a moment before coming to a conclusion, "You are a weakling. You have grown soft, Celestia! Too busy making friends with your enemies like some pathetic tea party! It sickens me!" He leaned on as his eyes would glow with hatred... No... With, "MALICE! It is what you will refer to ... View More
13 hours ago

Is… Is that the mare she’d heard about? This ‘Princess Celestia’? Dragonfly ceases her trot halfway up the hill when the alicorn comes into sight, taking a short breath and calming her heart- many things on the surface are beautiful to her, why wouldn’t the surface’s ruler be it’s equal?
Though aft... View More
8 hours ago
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