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Female. Lives in  Equestria. Born on January 2, 2001
Metallic Pegasus
Roleplay Availability
About Me
An excitable, ever-curious, somewhat naive pegasus. From a nation disconnected from Ponykind since before Equestria was founded. Mutated to have four wings instead of two. Carrying an evil crystal that eats souls on her neck! What could go wrong?
Discord: Chiroptera#0291/chiropteraerudite
Roleplay Universe
Canon, mostly
Roleplay Type
User Achievements
My third character with a fully fleshed out info page! Now I just need to wait until there's another art giveaway or get lucky or something, and Dragonfly will finally be the quality character I alway... View More
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Bright Brave
I love wall comments ~
Like August 22, 2024
Icy Creation
I am loving writing . For once I feel like I can juggle multiple RP's at once, even if I don't respond to every one with the same frequency. I wonder if I'm going back to my ADHD letting me b... View More
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Bright Brave
YOURE LIGHTSHOW!?!?!?!? my entire existence is a lie.....
Like August 21, 2024
Icy Creation
I feel like I have a pretty consistent writing style, so it's cool to see my characters are different enough some people still haven't connected them all to each-other!
Like August 21, 2024
#rp Dragonfly sits upon a tree stump by the side of the road, chopping up a scary looking pepper with a sharp rock and putting the 'slices' on a piece of bread. A piece of bread that already has lemon... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
Sprout blinked. " makin enough of that for two?" she asked, sitting down.
Like August 18, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
"They're days set aside for celebration," Sprout answered. "And each one has different ways of celebratin! Hearth's Warmin is all about bein with friends and family, sittin in front of a warm fire, and maybe even givin presents if you can. Then there's Hearts & Hooves Day, Nightmare w... View More
Like August 28, 2024
Eyes sparkling with excitement, though not enough to turn into gems, she ruffles her wings, "Hearth's Warming sounds like a festival we have back home! It doesn't really have as fancy of a name though." Pausing a moment, "How do you celebrate Nightmare Night? It sounds fun already!"
Like September 9, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"Well, normally foals dress in costumes and walk around town, knocking on doors and asking for candy...but me, I find foals in changeling costumes, wrap em up in cocoons, and hang them near the edge of the Everfree Forest!" Sprout beamed. "Don't worry, they're nowhere near any dangerous animals."
Like September 9, 2024 Edited
Ghost floated above them, Trying a Banana, Kale, And Blueberry smoothie whilst wondering what... were they ?, He never seen a creature with 4 wings before!...Er a Second creature now He thought about it, Still Remembering that weird duck loving pony. He floated down to them to properly introduce hi... View More
Like August 18, 2024
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"Well They are a... You see...Ok how do I put this..." Ghost began to think heavily on how to Explain what a Ghost was... they weren't really dead but not living...He just now realized that was what He could've said. "It's a Creature who had died but has a attachment to something and it forces them... View More
Like August 28, 2024
Thinking for a few moments, she puts up a feather in understanding, "I know what you're talking about! We call it something different back home, but it's the same idea!" Pointing at Ghostbit, "So you died, but you were brought back! But not really, only mostly, like the opposite of a Crystalbound, a... View More
Like September 9, 2024
"Eeeeeeeh, Sadly n- Actually Kinda spot on now that I Think of it, Part of me Did die though, It was my old self. Also what it this thingy called, Also Crystal bound ?" He asked, Followed by a tilt to the side of his head.
Like September 9, 2024
Bright Brave
Sounds like a good sandwich for a pony. Bright waved back. "May the sun always last. Equestria forever!"
Like August 18, 2024
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Bright Brave
(That poor sandwich. 😭 it's okay, forgive me, I'm shameless for attention)
Like August 21, 2024
(It really was not something she'd like Also I definitely wanted to start a chain for yours, just couldn't think of anything for Dragonfly to do that wasn't just 'oh that's weird, anyway' incarnate)
Like August 21, 2024 Edited
Bright Brave
(That the perfect chain. Lul)
Like August 21, 2024
Red stops dead in his tracks looking at her and the potential stomach annihilator "You...making that to eat?" Red asks questioning her odd choices in food, assuming its something of a struggle meal, a common thing to happen from time to time.
Like August 21, 2024
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Red looked down each respective body part as she lists them out, everything checks out, furless bipedal creature, but with a slight head shake he makes his point again "right...but probably don't eat them all like that, don't need an expert to tell you thats not how it's done, either sandwich or fr... View More
Like August 21, 2024
She looks down at the fruits, and back to the 'dragon'... "Why? Surely the best way to try a new food is to try it all together, right?" Says the mare only ever exposed to bread and vegetables and potatoes. "Do fruits destroy each-other? Are they alive!? Are bananas and lemons at war!?"
Like August 21, 2024
"Slow your roll mate, im just suggesting you do it a lil differently." Red says before recorrecting his posture "If you're looking to try something new, you can tag along, I'm just about to head back towards the main area of town, we can stop by a restaurant or something, up to you, im about to ge... View More
Like August 21, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus rode on a magical flying paintbrush that was making a trail of rainbow paint. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus bounced on a pogo stick toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Dragonfly was sitting on a bench near a road, all four wings extended in a manner very similiar to his namesake. Eyes shifting from ametheyst to sapphire to ruby to emerald and back and over again, al... View More
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Bright Brave
Like October 2, 2020
(I am incredibly bored. Seriously.)
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Dragonfly is starting at a blueberry bush. He seems... Confused? He has never seen a berry before. Ever.
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Commander Wyatt Ryder
Wyatt stays incredibly still as said bush is actually his camouflage...
Like September 12, 2020
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Commander Wyatt Ryder
He could! It's a real bush! Except it's not rooted currently... He tries to stay still though.
Like September 12, 2020
As he ate the berry, he smiled, taking a handful more, putting them in a pocket- quite obviously too small to hold them all, yet somehow they disappear into it completely- and walking off.
Like September 12, 2020
Commander Wyatt Ryder
Wyatt breathed a sigh of relief then and continued moving. To where? Who knows.
Like September 12, 2020
(I am bored. I am always bored...)
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//get a job or a hobby
Like September 8, 2020
(Too young, lazy, and shy for a job, and my hobbies consist of youtube, RPing, and not much else.)
Like September 8, 2020 Edited
(I am all of the bored.)
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