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Amethyst the Hippogriff
I desperately want to except all the RPs requests I get, but I alwase turn them down because I'm afraid I'll look like an idiot and they won't like me anymore.
1 person liked this.
Like June 19, 2018
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*Casts Monster Reborn*
Like June 19, 2018
Amethyst the Hippogriff
Just toss me in the trash where I belong.
Like June 19, 2018
Like June 19, 2018
Amethyst the Hippogriff
Second confession. Even though English is my only language.... my severe dyslexia has kept me looking like the mentally handicapped my entire life. I can't fix it.
Like June 19, 2018 Edited
*Has kept ♥
Like June 19, 2018
Amethyst the Hippogriff
At least I can correct this one. Why can't I edit main posts?
Like June 19, 2018 Edited
Strawberry Sunrise
I think you can edit them by clicking in the corner, but I'm on mobile so it's a lot different. Also message me and we can write something. My dad has a tiny bit of dyslexia so I understand and it doesn't bother me.
Like June 19, 2018
Inspector Glass
I feel the same. I've never checked if I have dyslexia but I always managed to fumble my words and create some horrible spelling errors. I always reread my replies oTL
Like July 10, 2018