
Seir's Agency of Supernatural Services #666
Somehow still in business! (We're also hiring)
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Damean the paranormal detectiv...
"The company doesn't discriminate against demonic creatures, we're very forward thinking"
November 7, 2020
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It is our job to come up with the most overly complicated scheme to accomplish your simplest -probably illegal- wishes!
"We're a proud, growing company, you guys!"
With Damean the paranormal detective and Tv Head (Idk his name yet, I always forget he works here too.)
11 people like this.
“please, I’ll do anything! I just need to hire someone who will actually show up to work! Who do demons sell their souls to when nothing else works!?“
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"You should hire me. For more than... Phone calls. If anyone knows of the supernatural it be me." Said the floating doll. "My resume involves opening my own hole into hell, being some form of watchful deity to some and mischievous as hell."
January 2, 2020
"Bad shit? Unless you mean giving monsters a home and purpose bad. Perhaps destroying those who dare hurt the children of equestria. Or perhaps swearing an oath not to kill overworld creatures. So I'm bad for throwing my weight around when needed. My goodness Seir. If you knew anything about the thi... View More
January 3, 2020
“Oh really? Is that what you’ll do? What a fucking surprise Death!” Seir’s contaminated with her same fury and bursts as well. “I wonder how I can come up with such horrible ideas about YOU! Has it never occurred you that MAYBE the reason I distrust you so MUCH is because of your little RAGE INDUCED... View More
January 3, 2020
She sat there for a moment before snickering and snickering into a laughing fit. She laughed for 3 minutes. She stopped after awhile and said. "You weren't listening to me I can tell. So righteous in calling me out that you didn't see the discrepancy in my statement. I don't kill. Only watch and onl... View More
"There seems to be an issue where emergency 911 calls are getting redirected to our offices. Sorry for the inconvenience!"
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