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Lumen "Moth" Gaslight


Male. Lives in  Everfree Forest,  Equestria. Born on February 11, 1996
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Lava Lamp.
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus rode in his car shaped balloon and parked it besides them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus takes to flapping his arms so hard that he achieved flight and flew toward the mothpony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus slid down a rope from his hot air balloon. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Miss ya, little guy.
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Lumen "Moth" Gaslight
Lumen sits in the grass with buckets full of random parts. He seems to be building something, but what? Somehow the bug then builds a fully functional MG42. Throwing his feelers up in frustration he ... View More
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//the moth was brilliant without even knowing it. The dumbest type of genius in the world.
Like June 12, 2020
Lumen "Moth" Gaslight
//He's my silly fuzzy baby boi and I love him c:
Like June 12, 2020
I love him too, the little bean baby
Like June 12, 2020
Cricket walks up to him, handing him a toaster.
Like June 13, 2020
Lumen "Moth" Gaslight
Quite possibly one of my favorite moth memes. Mainly due to how well this fits Lumen's character.
Lumen "Moth" Gaslight
After much research, Science has concluded the brainwaves of Lumen "Moth" Gaslight form to play the Super Mario 64 Cool Cool Mountain music... On repeat. Forever. When converted into visual data it fo... View More
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Captain Sky N Nova
Sky confirmed this as accurate. Don't ask how he knows.
Like June 9, 2020
Lumen "Moth" Gaslight
Well, there's quite a simple answer to this: Sky was the madlad that funded the study.
Like June 9, 2020
Captain Sky N Nova
Sure lets go with that.
Like June 9, 2020
Lumen "Moth" Gaslight
Like June 9, 2020
Lumen "Moth" Gaslight
*confused screaming*
Lumen "Moth" Gaslight
Moth stands outside of the castle gates holding a sign that reads: 'MAKE THE BIG SKY LAMP NOT HURT EYE WHEN LOOKED AT'
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Suddenly a something poked it's head out shouting "NO!"
Like June 7, 2020
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"Because i'm bored!" He Shouted loudly
Like June 7, 2020
Lumen "Moth" Gaslight
The moth then simply shrugs and lifts his sign again.
Like June 7, 2020
"Also! It's upside down!"
Like June 7, 2020
Lumen "Moth" Gaslight
Moth pokes his head out of an empty trash can and takes a deep breath. "Good..." "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORNING~!"
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Captain Sky N Nova
After careful consideration, Sky finally launched the trash can into orbit.
Like May 25, 2020
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Lumen "Moth" Gaslight
Moth then simply then reenters the atmosphere and plows into the ground. "MOMMA FIIIIIIIIIISH! I think I broke my face!"
Like May 25, 2020
Captain Sky N Nova
Sky just placed a bug zapper on the ground and walked away.
Like May 25, 2020
Lumen "Moth" Gaslight
Moth sticks his overly long tongue out at Sky before simply fluttering away.
Like May 25, 2020
Bright Brave
Good morning to you, bugadoo
Like May 25, 2020
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