Roleplay Availability
About Me
"Honestly, I don't know why I'm here surrounded by magical talking horses but. If you need to know anything just ask, I guess.""Also, the next person to call me 'JoJo' is getting their ass kicked."
Roleplay Universe
Canon Equestria or Modern Equestria
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Nitroxus Soulspins Joki Konjo
*Nitroxus would roll on the ground like a ball toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus walked inside of a giant tire toward the being. He soon smiled to them as he stopped. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus jumps out of his hot air balloon and parachute down to the ground. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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open rp/ ****the light blue unicorn mare with bug wings gently walked into the town looking around as she was lost she was lost and confused as she was new to this world she started to head for the to... View More
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At this point the human was coming to terms with this world. Sure... He's probably one of the few humans in this realm, sure he'll probably be stuck here with no way home, but hey. Talking horses. He didn't have a proper place to stay yet so he was just sort of camping out in the center of town in a... View More
June 18, 2020
**suddenly her hoof pokes his shoulder from behind the gentle careing nature of the blue unicorn with fairy wings tilts her head** "u-uhm exscuse me sir why are camping in the middle of town square?..." **she didnt make eye contact looking kinda upset**
June 18, 2020
Joki tenses up and almost reached for his rifle inside the tent, his head turning to look at the mare. "Uh... Because I'm not from this realm and have nowhere to live right now?" He raised a brow slowly. "What's with you? You look like someone put dirt in your cereal."
June 18, 2020
"Huh, well would you look at that. I survived another day in magical horse land. Seeing as the ponies I did interact with didn't try to kill me on sight... I'd say that's progress. Now maybe I can wor... View More
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"Well... After much thought... I've come to the conclusion that... This world is absolutely fuckin' bonkers. I might as well just throw my gun away and eat dirt since some of the talking horses can us... View More
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As if to prove that theory Sky had stuck a great many sparklers between his scales and was walking around as if all was normal.
June 18, 2020
". . ." Joki took a deep breath to compose himself. "Great. Sentient pinecones. EXACTLY what I wanted to see first thing in the morning. Situation Normal: All Fucked Up. Guess this is my life now."
June 18, 2020
"Strange creature, witness my great magical abilities!''
slate looked up at the unusual animal and shot a small spark of yellow magic. It made a pathetic fart sound.
June 18, 2020
The human blinked a few times at the display, scratching his head. "I'm not sure if that was intentional or not but... Amusing nonetheless. On the plus side, it didn't kill me. Or you. Win-win."
June 18, 2020
Well well well, what do we have here?~
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The man slowly raised a brow at the other, looking around him before turning his gaze back to Amuka. "Me? You're talking to ME? Could've fooled me. Honestly, I'm just confused by all this. Though I guess it's nice to see another human?"
June 16, 2020
"...Right..." The man took note of her expression, frowning slightly. "...I suppose. Stay safe in the meantime."
June 16, 2020
"So... Let me get this straight... I'm stuck in a land full of talking horses and other magical creatures?" The human took a deep breath and rubbed his temples. "Guess this is life now. Great."
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