Unicorn, Umbrum
Roleplay Availability
About Me
My name is Zephyr, and I have been incredibly active in the pony community since I was thirteen. My favorite character is King Sombra, but I adore all the other ponies.I am a King Sombra roleplayer, and am both canon-compliant and canon-divergent! I am fine with roleplaying a redeemed/reformed version as well, if no one wants a villainous roleplay partner!
Roleplay Universe
Canon, noncannon, and aus!
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
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Status Update
//fun little idea- the character you play interacting with something they may have... Odd opinions about. I need to draw Sombra reacting to my long furby blueprints and the furby i already have peeled... View More
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Spec Steele
PLEASE post said long furbies
July 6, 2019

King Sombra
i'll PM you a pic of my furby and its skin. i have a lot of work to do before the final product tho!!! but im still very excited
July 6, 2019

Strawberry "Berry" Cream
the idea of a peeled furby is one I've only had in the very back of my mind in the darkest moments...
I don't know who let furbies comes back, but whoever they are... they need to be talked to.
July 6, 2019

King Sombra
i collect unsettling dolls too. this is war.
July 6, 2019

Strawberry "Berry" Cream
you are exactly what scares me... I look forward to burning the long furby. >:c
July 6, 2019

King Sombra
good. he came from the fires of hell, he probs wants to go back jfueifghrig
July 6, 2019

Aurora Dawn
Someone puts a Furby in front of Sombra. He then pokes the Furby. It then expands into a 10+ foot long furby. This is immediately followed by Sombra panicking and running in to a wall.
July 7, 2019

King Sombra
what do you mean this isn't canon? This is hasbro official
July 7, 2019

Aurora Dawn
XD Do it
July 7, 2019

King Sombra
as the god of furbies, it has been decreed
July 7, 2019

Bright Brave
You got problems.
July 7, 2019

King Sombra
my furbies resent that statement. including the one coming in the mail.
July 7, 2019
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Artist, Roleplayer
Unicorn, Umbrum