Unicorn, Umbrum
Roleplay Availability
About Me
My name is Zephyr, and I have been incredibly active in the pony community since I was thirteen. My favorite character is King Sombra, but I adore all the other ponies.I am a King Sombra roleplayer, and am both canon-compliant and canon-divergent! I am fine with roleplaying a redeemed/reformed version as well, if no one wants a villainous roleplay partner!
Roleplay Universe
Canon, noncannon, and aus!
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
User Achievements

Nitroxus Soulspins King Sombra
*Nitroxus was balancing on a big bouncy ball as he was rolling toward the pony. He stopped right in front of them and climbed down. He smiled as he passed a large gift over.* Happy Birthday to you!
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*Nitroxus tied on a cape and flew to the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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sorry for inactivity! got a job! back to our regularly scheduled evil schemes
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schwerer gustav. a rail cannon that fired a 100 ton round. german built
September 14, 2020
thoughts: a reformed king sombra really grumpy and making minimum wage
September 14, 2020
"hi welcome to {generic clothing store} would you like to get our in store credit card to-" "hey didn't you use to be an evil dictator"
September 16, 2020
"Felt cute today, might overthrow the crystal empire again."
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"Ah... You must be new here. Oh, fear not, my plan is not regicide. Far from it, truly.. Welcome to my aether, little ghost. And I assure you, this death.. This miasma, it is temporary. We Umbrum do not die such as a regular pony... Think of the legendary phoenix, who die and are reborn in immediate... View More
August 24, 2020
"Now now.. Why such hostility? You know I'll still be gone for some time. Perhaps we'll see more of each other." His form had solidified into something more ponish, but it was obvious now he was still just smoke and shade brought to life. "And maybe throughout this millennium we shall see eye to eye... View More
August 24, 2020
"I support your idea to overthrow the empire"The mare would bounce with happiness
Crystal would nod her head as she tried her hardest not to squeal"Sometimes when I get bored, i'll walk around the empire and i'll just recite nothing but stories of your ruling. The others hate it."
"I'm certain they do!" The king had laughed, shaking his head just a little bit. "With the way you tell my story, I just may just need to make you the royal historian after my takeover!" He briefly tussled up her mane with an armored hoof, a content smile on him, something quite rare for the king of... View More
August 25, 2020
She would giggle as he tussled up her mane, she usually never let others get this close but hey he was a big exception.
//XD heh
August 25, 2020
in equus's current climate i am surprised you wouldn't. i mean, stalliongrad is on the warpath, germane has a new populist leader and griffon emperor grover is on death's door
King Sombra looks to the crystalline castle from whence he was banished, he laughs, looking at the massive spires of the crystals he once commanded so long ago.
"Your king has returned."
//HI IT'S BE... View More
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ah that's interesting!
I have a bit of a harder time with shorter roleplays unselss it's something small and silly, but i'd be happy to plot with you sometime!
August 21, 2020
Amity looks very chipper and excited to be there. "My King." His tail wags like a puppy.
Amity quickly clamored onto his hooves. "Yes, my King! I won't keep you waiting!" He scampered off quickly to cook a meal. While the King would simmer and scheme, the succulent smells of savory sauces and spices filled the air and soon Amity would trot back in with a bowl. He placed it in front of S... View More
King Sombra sat, deep in his thoughts. What plan would give him back his crown... He knew he'd need to take them by surprise, but without proper reinforcements things could go sour. He picked up a stick with his magic, creating a map in the snow. He knew all of the ins and outs of the empire, so it ... View More
August 22, 2020
Amity didn't touch his own food until the King had begun eating first. He looked over at Sombra expectantly with his tail swishing behind him, awaiting the verdict on his food before he began to beam brightly. "Thank you very much, my King! I'd be happy to serve under you and your guard! They can ma... View More
*seemed puzzled* uh hi? Hm...oh now i understand which dimension and timeline I'm in. *ahem* Let me introduce myself my liege! I am PB a royal painter and creator of sorts! If needed I do know the ways of battle if such is needed but i prefer my ways of crafting. //welcome back!//
"Yes yes, and the sharper the better!" Sombra called, it's been a while since he's used a weapon in battle.
August 21, 2020
King Sombra seems shocked to be spotted by some other pony. It appears he's hugging little Flurry Heart, while holding the crystal heart with his dark magic.
"...I assure you, I found these fair and ... View More
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A loud cackle would ring out from behind Sombra "That isn't very polite" The queen said with a sadistic grin "Stay away from the crystal empire or I'll blast you into oblivion"
//Sorry for suddenly disappearing, but I think I'm back now? I'm rather busy with life outside of roleplay due to family matters and such. Hope you all understand!//
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//your personal life will always be of more importance than pony rp, all is well <3
//fun little idea- the character you play interacting with something they may have... Odd opinions about. I need to draw Sombra reacting to my long furby blueprints and the furby i already have peeled... View More
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i'll PM you a pic of my furby and its skin. i have a lot of work to do before the final product tho!!! but im still very excited
July 6, 2019
the idea of a peeled furby is one I've only had in the very back of my mind in the darkest moments...
I don't know who let furbies comes back, but whoever they are... they need to be talked to.
July 6, 2019
you are exactly what scares me... I look forward to burning the long furby. >:c
July 6, 2019
good. he came from the fires of hell, he probs wants to go back jfueifghrig
Someone puts a Furby in front of Sombra. He then pokes the Furby. It then expands into a 10+ foot long furby. This is immediately followed by Sombra panicking and running in to a wall.
July 7, 2019
my furbies resent that statement. including the one coming in the mail.
July 7, 2019
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Artist, Roleplayer
Unicorn, Umbrum